9 matched betting tips to maximise your profit right now

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Getting the Best Sports Gambling Tips

Sports gambling is a recreation enjoyed by a lot of people worldwide. People engage in this activity for different reasons: Some people do it just to show how much they support their respective teams, while other people do it to make a game more interesting.
People may not realize this, but your chance of winning in gambling isn't just 50-50. Experienced sports gamblers know that there are some things you can do in order to increase your chance of winning, even nullify the possibility of losing altogether. With the right betting tips, you actually won't be gambling, but harvesting money. Now that is a sports gambler's dream come true.
Who gives out sports gambling tips? Some people might think that there's no science behind gambling tips. In fact, a lot of people believe that gambling tips are a scam. This is far from true. Actually, experts use statistics and probability in order to determine the various possible outcomes of a game. This means mathematics and precise calculations are involved in determining the winning formula. It's not hocus-pocus, people.
What's more, betting tips often come directly form experienced sports gamblers who also use the tips in order to make money. You wouldn't trust a so-called "expert" who doesn't even actually bet, would you? Great and reliable tips should come to you from people who are actually willing to lay their money on the line. It shouldn't be just you taking the risk.
There are, of course, tons of websites today offering different types of sports gambling tips. However, you should take note of the tips above in order to make sure that you'll get the right sort of tips. Remember that gambling in itself is quite risky, so why should you take on additional risk by going to a fortune-teller? It's better to try and improve your chances the sure way.
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Werewolves are Assholes: Pt 2

Pt 2: Werewolves MIGHT Not Be Assholes

Hey again guys. It's been a while, couple of months since the first post and yeah... The response was crazy. But beyond that, the stuff that happened in the days, weeks, and months after that post was even more crazy... Crazier? More crazier? Whatever, you get it. But before I get started, I'm actually a chick. Apparently a lot of you figured I was a guy because my crush(now full fledged girlfriend) was a girl. Apologies, I should have been more descriptive about my groin region in the last post. ANYWAY... Here we go again.

Alright, so a few days after the post I saw a news report that unnerved the absolute hell out of me. As I was making my way through the neglected mountain of dirty dishes in the kitchen I heard Jasmine call for me to come into the living room of my apartment. A started to ask her what she was carrying on about, but as I rounded the corner and the TV came into view I stopped in my tracks as the image of a burned shack in the middle of the woods glared by at me from the screen.

"Isn't that the..." Jasmine started to ask, but I cut her off before she could finish.

"Did they say anything about the bodies?"

"No. Actually they said there was no sign of human remains. They're apparently looking for the..." She trailed off. I could tell she was thinking back to the men from that night. I might have made it seem like we just brushed it off in the first post, but it was pretty traumatizing for everyone involved. We had talked about it a little, as much as she could for as long as she could hold it together at least.

I took it upon myself to start taking a class to learn to protect myself. Not like those cheesy "Grab here while stepping here and striking here" women's self defense courses though. I found a combat school ran by this big Australian bastard that has a more "Take this pointy knife thingy and stab the fucker in the eye till he lets go" approach, and that has some real appeal to me after everything that happened. I'm not much more badass than I was at the time, but I'm getting used to the idea of wrecking someone's shit at least.

I'm still trying to convince Jasmine to come to a class with me but I think the whole ordeal had a more introverting effect on her. Dex has decided to get in shape to, and I quote, "Protect you lady folk like a real man." I don't think Dex understands that the community at large has never seen him as a towering monument to masculinity, but at least he's getting healthy. He's taken up cycling. Incidentally the most noticeable change in his appearance so far is that every other day he shows up with a new patch of road rash somewhere on his body.

"You don't think there's anything there that'll lead them back to us do you?" She asked worriedly.

"N-no. Nah, everything got burned. Besides, we didn't do anything wrong. Why would the police be looking for us?" I asked back.

"I don't mean the police." She responded. "I mean there might be other people who have something to do with that lab. What if they moved the bodies and they come looking for us?" She continued.

"How would they even find-" I began before being interrupted, as if by some form of divine orchestration, by a loud and assertive knock on the door.

The apartment fell into a ringing silence. I began to slowly drag my feet towards the door, inch by inch. Taking at least three times longer than it should have to finally get there, I began to reach out for the knob as another series of loud raps cracked through the quiet and cause me to convulse in shock. I turned to look back at Jasmine who's hands were now clutched in front of her mouth as she watched me reach for the knob one more time with wide eyes.

Taking a deep breath I twisted the doorknob and cracked the door just enough to peek out into the hallway.

"YO!! Grub Hub! Got your tacos aaaand quesadillas? Yep, quesadillas."

"Jesus Christ! It's the god damn taco guy!" I called to Jasmine, realizing we both had completely forgot about ordering food earlier.

It wasn't until a few days later, as I closed the door to my room after coming home from work I heard a voice from behind me.

"We need to talk." The voice said, causing me to nearly choke on my own tongue in surprise.

I wheeled around to face the source of the noise to see a young man close to my age with deeply tanned skin, dark black hair and stubble, and a red bandanna tied around his head. His clothes were normal clothes, just... put together weirdly. It was hard for me to place at the time. He had an old, tattered red t-shirt underneath an even older black vest. His pants were baggy and frayed at the ankles where they had been cut short to reveal his bare feet. A pirate. He looked like an effing pirate. There was a pirate in my apartment. A had apartment pirates.

"WHAT-WHO THE-WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!" I screamed as I yanked out the knife I had started keeping on me.

"Whoa! Take a chill pill there Gamora. After all, you've already had my uhhhh..." The man paused as he produced a stack of papers from his back pocket and began to flip through them. "Uuuh, werewolf dong knocking against your exposed skin." He finished.

"I.... What?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Yeah." He answered. "I figure after having my dork on your leg, that's a few steps past me seeing the granny panties and lightsaber you got stashed in your top drawer. Plus you kinda pissed yourself right in front of me and God and everyone else, so..."

I stood there in silence for a few seconds, my jaw hanging open in absolute confusion before shrieking "YOU WENT THROUGH MY STUFF?!!" It's weird the places your mind can go during situations like that.

"Well yeah. You don't go through people's stuff when you break into their bedrooms?" He chuckled.

"I don't break into people's rooms!" I shouted back at him. "Wait... The werewolves. You're one of the werewolves." I said as all the gears in my brain finally lined back up, allowing me to think like an actual rational person.

"Finally caught on did ya?" He said. "Took long enough. And here I came all this way and not even a hello, how ya been, thanks for saving me and all my friends from getting Bobby Trippe'd and murdered in the middle of nowhere, n-"

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!" I interrupted at the top of my lungs. "And why are you dressed like a pirate?!" I added, the gold hoop in his ear accentuating his swashbuckling appearance had only added to my frustration.

"First of all, that's very offensive. We prefer the term privateer Americans. And second, I'm here about this." He said, waving around the stack of papers he produced a few moments ago. "Your little story got pretty popular. The people that ran that drug operation are going to be looking for whoever fucked up all their shit. And this is going to lead them right back to you as soon as they find it. AND... you can bet your ass the ones that run that show are a lot worse than the creeps you ran into out there."

"But how? I didn't even use my name the entire post." I asked, the anger and energy starting to ebb a little with his last statement.

"You used ALL of your friends real names! Do you have any idea how easy it is to find out where someone is with just first names and social media?" He scolded. "It took me like 3 hours after I found the post to find out who you were, and another day to find exactly where you live! LOOK!" He continued, pulling out his phone and swiping a few times before showing me the screen. "You even accepted my friend request jackass!"

I just stood there, stunned for a few seconds. A dramatically different feeling from only a few moments before. My shock, anger, and mild embarrassment had been swapped for a deep, sinking in the pit of my gut. I might have just led some very bad people back to me and all my friends. And Jasmine... Taking a few more seconds to process everything I finally began to speak again.

"I liked you better when you couldn't talk." I mumbled, staring at the ground in shame.

"And I liked you better when you were more grateful for me saving your ass." He replied.

After a few seconds of shooting each other fowl looks I broke the quiet with, "So where's the other one of you?"

"She's... taking care of a few things then she'll be headed this way." He replied with a shit eating grin. "Until then we just chill here." He said as he started to open the door and walk into the living room.

"Oh no! You are not camping out in the living room!" I exclaimed, jumping between him and the open door. "I AM NOT explaining you to Steven!(my room mate)"

"Ok, your room it is." He said, walking across the room and plopping down on my bed, kicking his feet up as his did.

"Your feet are fucking filthy." I growled, noticing the blackened bottoms of his feet resting on my clean blanket.

"Huh, what?" He mumbled to himself, grabbing his ankle and pulling it up to check. "Oh shit you're right." He said as he wiped his nasty man paws on the blanket. "There, how's that?" He asked, proudly displaying his now slightly less dirty feet to me.

I could tell he genuinely thought he had just done something good by cleaning his feet on my blanket. He thought I was mad they were dirty so he cleaned them to make me happy. I had more of an urge to scratch his ear than yell at him at that point. I looked at the sullied comforter and felt my eye twitch a little and just decided to sit down in my office chair.

"Exactly how long are we supposed to be waiting?" I groaned several hours later, through my hands I had been resting my face in for the past 90 minutes or so.

"Not much longer." He said, checking a wrist watch that very obviously wasn't there.

"Well... Thanks for like... helping again and junk." I said with my chin still resting in my hands.

"Oh don't get too excited. You got lucky last time. This one's gonna cost ya." He said, laying his head back on the pillow.

"That's... cryptic." I replied suspiciously. "So... what's your name?" I added.

"Milo." He answered plainly.

"Oh. Hmm." I huffed to myself, mildly disappointed that it wasn't some cliché Underworld werewolf name like Lucian or Raz or something.

About ten more minutes past before I heard Milo's phone chirp. He slid it out of his pocket and checked the screen. "That's her." He said, clumsily climbing out of my bed. "They're at the front door." He added.

"No no. You stay. I'll go let her in." I said, hurriedly standing from my chair. Unfortunately that didn't go well at all. Several hours of sitting with my elbows on my legs had given me major toilet leg and as I stood both of my now COMPLETELY numb legs tried to fold backwards in on themselves. This caused my whole body to crumple face first into the hardwood floor of my room with a dull thud. I heard a loud cackle as Milo pressed his face into my pillow, kicking his feet with manic laughter.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. Are you ok?" He asked, still chuckling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I shot him a hateful look as I wobbled to my feet. I somehow managed to baby deer walk across the apartment to the front door as the living hell of pins and needles began to set in. I cracked the door just to make sure who was actually supposed to be there, was. As she came into view I caught myself looking at what could have been the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the face of the earth. I slowly swung the door the rest of the way open, reveling her and all her splendor. She had the thickest curly black hair that spun its way down past her shoulders and over her dark, olive skin. Her eyes were a light blue and seemed to go on forever just like a clear sky on a sunny day at the beach. She was draped in clothes the same color and fashion as Milo, but infinitely more lavish and beautiful. She was about as inconspicuous as a Christmas day parade.

"Hello! My name is Teagan. It's so nice to see you again!.... My love, are you not well?" She spoke with the heaviest eastern European accent I had ever heard, and even that was beautiful to my ears. She must have taken my moment of total unresponsive silence coupled with my erratically trembling legs as some form of illness. I don't think I had ever blushed so hard in my life. Suddenly Jasmine stepped between us with a scowl.

"She's fine!" She said sharply. "Come on stud. Back so we can all get in."

"What are you-Who's we? Who's all here?" I stuttered, trying to peek around the corner to no avail.

"Everyone." She answered. "Dex, Trey, Joanna, and Lesley. Teagan rounded us all up and brought us here. She told us who she was and that she'll explain everything once we get to your place."

Not even attempting to resist at this point I just put my finger over my mouth, gesturing for them to be quiet so they didn't disturb my room mate, then silently lead the small crowd into my increasingly packed room. Coming in last, I managed to shove and elbow my way back to my chair and sat down as Milo began to explain the entirety and severity of the situation.

"So... this wasn't just a social visit because you both missed us so much?" Trey said sarcastically, breaking the silence that fell once Milo's exposition was over.

Teagan quickly strolled over to him. "Oh no my love! We missed you so very much as well! You are all such wonderful people!" She exclaimed, hugging him tightly when she reached him. Apparently she didn't catch the sarcasm as was attempting to comfort him. We all new she was just being nice, but I think we all also chose to believe it on the grounds of the idea that the corporeal angel we were currently confined in my room with missed us warmed our hearts. This woman oozed mama bear energy like you can't even imagine.

"So we have a bunch of meth dealers about to go Walter White on our asses and we're supposed to do... what, exactly? Call the police?" Dex asked over Teagan's soothing hums as she rocked poor Trey in her arms as she continued to hug him comfortingly.

"Oh it's not really that simple." Milo answered back. "They're not juuust meth dealers. They might, kinda, sorta be... vampires."

"VAMPIRES!! Bullshit! Nope! You're just screwing with us again! GET. OUT!" I yelled, jumping up from my chair.

I had had enough. I was tired and hungry and ill tempered and everyone was in my room and I was over it. All I could think was of the nerve it took for them to pull some shit like this after everything we'd already been through.

"Ok calm d-" Milo started before I picked up the nearest heavy object and got ready to chuck it at his head. "HEY! Hey! I was a 7 foot tall murder pupper the first time you saw me. Would it really be going out on a limb to entertain the idea that vampires might just possibly be a thing?" He added, his hands out in front of him, ready to repel my impending attack.

Hearing him call himself a 7 foot murder pupper made me crack a begrudging smile. Still holding the empty mug over my head, this gave me a second to actually remember that I had been considering the possibility of what other creatures like that might exist ever since that night.

"I mean... I guess, maybe." I said, placing the mug back down on my desk. "Well? So how do... vampires tie into all this shit?" I continued, choking slightly on the word as it made its way up.

"Ok, you know how we add things to our food to make it taste better? Like butter and salt and pepper? Well they like to do that too. And one of the ways they like to do that, one of their favorite ways, is meth. They get some poor schmuck spun out on the stuff, and then, right after their last hit, as they're on their last breath of life, they suck them dry like a meth head cocktail. The drug apparently effects the taste of the blood in just such a way that it, combined with the effects of the actual drug itself, is like a total delicacy for them. It's kinda like how people do veal, just slightly less fucked up maybe. And selling the meth means they make hella cash while they take the Snack Packs to Flavor Town."

"That's really messed up..." Lesley spoke up. "But what are we supposed to do? Can't you guys just, you know, turn back into wolves and get rid of them?"

"It is not so simple my sweet darling." Teagan answered. "Turning to a wolf is not so easy as in movies and takes time and preparation."

"What do you mean?" Trey asked, having finally escaped Teagan's clutches.

"You know how in the movies you see some dude morph into a giant wolf that's like twice as massive as he was as a regular person? Well did you ever stop to think where all that extra mass comes from?" Milo answered. "To get that big we have to eat that much and more before hand. That shit doesn't just come from nowhere. We have to collect it, eat it, store it, THEN change." He continued to explain. "So me and Teagan need a place to, well... store, and before that we have to figure out where they are operating so we can plan and get ready. Also we are going to need A LOT of food. We're gonig to get rid of them for you, but we're also going to need your help this go round."

Teagan added, "You also need somewhere to stay not home. Regular homes aren't safe. They'll find you there and us if we stay too."

All of a sudden every eye was on me. In confusion I looked over my shoulders hoping there was someone with an actual idea standing behind me. There wasn't. So I said the only thing I could think of. "I... could call Gay Jake."

About an hour later we all had small travel bags packed with clothes, phone chargers, tooth brushes, and were on our way to Gay Jake's. Gay Jake lived on the outside of town in his own house, and thanks to his parents, had more money than God. It also happened that his best friend Lita was staying there while she was in town. This was super lucky because she like hunts or used to hunt poachers or something. Anyway, she's supposed to have killed more men than malaria, and while Milo and Teagan are getting their shit together I think we'd all be pretty safe around her should something go down at the house.

Milo and Teagan ended up riding with me and Jasmine in the back seat. About half way there Teagan asked, "So you think we can trust this Gay Jake with out secrets and to keep them safe?"

Jasmine answered, "Oh yeah totally. Gay Jake is keeping secrets about half of the people in the state from the other half of them. He's one of the nicest people in the world too. I don't think he's ever not helped someone when they needed it. But he does have a really fruity southern accent so please don't make fun of him."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Milo screeched from the back seat. "He's rich, super nice, has dirt on everyone, has a super fruity southern accent, AND his name is Gay Jake?! He sounds like the coolest guy ever and I have to meet him! I NEED to meet him."

Jasmine and I both laughed at the idea that the actual mythical creature in the back of the car was so excited to meet Gay Jake. After that it took about 10 minutes to get to the house, going slow to keep from drawing attention or anything. We pulled in at close to 11:00, only to see Gay Jake's body lying in the middle of the driveway.

"HOLY SHIT! Is he ok?!" Milo yelled from the back as Teagan gasped in shock.

"He's fine." I said. "That's just how he waits for company sometimes. Move shit head!" I yelled out the window, laying on the car horn as I did.

His arm popped up off the ground, middle finger proudly extended, a large grin cracking across his face. As he hoisted himself off the ground I yelled again, "I will run your gay ass over!"

"Well now isn't that the carpet muncher calling the kettle black!" He said, walking over to the open window. "Yall alright? You get here ok?" He asked, sticking his head through the window to check on everyone.

"Yeah, everyone else ought to be pulling up in a second. We really owe you one for this Jake." I answered.

"Oh hunny yall don't owe me a damn thing. Now go on up there and get parked and head inside. I'll make sure everyone else gets in alright." He exclaimed. "And help yourselves to anything in the kitchen. Yall know where everythin' is. It hadn't changed none."

"I... love... him..." Milo whispered in my ear as we drove up the driveway to park.

We all filed into the house, which was immaculate and well decorated as always. Although through no doing of Gay Jake himself. "Just cause I like men don't mean I know what lamp goes with those curtains." He would say when someone asked if he did the decorating himself. We spread out as we entered through the back door and all found a place to sit. All except for Milo who made a B line for the kitchen.

"So... How do you, or I should say how does one end up a werewolf?" Jasmine asked to break the silence. "If it's ok to ask." She added.

Teagan got up out of her seat and sat down next to Jasmine, wrapping her arm around her shoulders and pulling her in closer. "Oh darling, you may ask me any questions you like. To be werewolf you have to exchange the fluids with an already werewolf." She explained.

"Oh, so a bite? They do have to bite you?" Jasmine said.

cough cough Milo exaggerated from the entrance to the kitchen to get our attention. He shook his head then held up both hands, making a circle with his thumb and index finger with one and extended the index finger of the other before moving his extended index finger in and out of the circle few times. Once he was satisfied with our disgusted he retreated once again into the kitchen.

"Oh... Oh my." Jasmine said, turning back towards Teagan who had an affirmingly blushed expression on her face. "So... did one of you... You know... the other?" She added.

"Yes. I met Milo when he came to my home of Romania on vacation. He had much more money back then. A gift from his grandfather when he died I think. I made him werewolf there then we came back here together." Teagan explained.

"That sounds like a beautiful story." Jasmine gushed.

"Oh darling it is! I must tell you all of it sometime!" Teagan said as Joanna, Trey, Lesley, and Dex walked in from the back door, followed shortly by Gay Jake.

"What happened to Talk Dark and Mansome you pulled in here with?" Gay Jake asked me as he made his way in, looking around at everyone.

"He's in the kitchen." I answered.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get him in here then you're gonna tell me all about whatever this shit is yall got yourselves into." Gay Jake said before heading into the kitchen.

I had just begun to ask if they had noticed anything unusual on their way over but before I could get the words out I heard a racket in the kitchen. Milo came whipping around the corner with his arms up over his head for cover, Gay Jake close behind yelling and swatting at him with a paper plate.

"Go on now! Shoo! Git! Scat! I was saving that for later!" Gay Jake screamed, continuing his paper plate barrage. "He just ate damn near everything in my refrigerator and still sniffed out the damn cheeseburger in the microwave I just got before yall got here and hadn't got to eat yet!" He complained with visible distress.

Milo ran across the room in an attempt to seek shelter from Gay Jake's fury. As he did I noticed that, unlike before, his once fairly average body now had a pretty noticeable gut that jiggled as he ran. "He can really put it away." I thought to myself.

"We'll go get you another cheeseburger." I reassured him in an attempt to rescue Milo... the werewolf.

Once I got everything calmed down and everyone got situated in the living room, I began to explain the ENTIRETY of the situation to him. Gay Jake, never being the judgmental type, took the insanity of the story in stride. Though he did have some well founded disbelief.

"Nah, bullshit. I'm not gonna sit here and have someone tell me that these two are some damn werewolves." He said, pointing in the direction of Milo and Teagan. "And yall want me to believe that yall are in trouble with... drug dealing vampires because Hamburglar over there burned down their meth lab? What they hell are you kids on?"

"I know it's sounds like the weirdest, craziest shit on earth but it's true." Trey spoke up. "Maybe if one of them could like turn into a wolf, would that convince you?" He added.

"Ok yeah, you get one of them to turn into a wolf in front of me and I'll believe it." Gay Jake answered.

"But didn't you hear them?" Lesley interjected. "They said they have to prepare and that it takes time. They can't just-"

"Yeah I got this!" Milo said, hopping up from his seat and rolling up his right sleeve to the shoulder.

He held out his arm and started to strain and grunt as the muscles in his arm began to tighten. Slowly they began to grow as his skin darkened. Before long thick, black hairs began to sprout and then, suddenly... SNAP!! POP!! CRUNCH!! His arm began to stretch along with his fingers.

"SHIT!" He shouted on the first loud snap. He then clenched his jaw and grimaced as his right arm became unrecognizable to what it was moments ago. "Come on you fuckers. Almost there." He said to himself through gritted teeth, as he flexed and shook the tips of his elongated fingers as the nightmarish claws began to protrude and pop away the fingernails they were growing out from under. As this went on I was the only one who noticed that his newly obtained belly had been receding back into its normal size.

"Oh my god are you ok?! That looks like it hurt like a bitch!" Gay Jake shouted as he ran to Milo's aid, who's face was now bright red and covered in sweat. His right arm now looked exactly as it had the night we met, and do mean EXACTLY. It was way out of proportion to his body, the tips of his claws just short of touching the floor.

Once Gay Jake had a chance to take everything in, we began to get on the same page. He had always been one to stay calm and take things pretty well, but I don't think anyone expected him to just accept that a man grew a werewolf arm right in front of him.

When I asked him how he managed to stay so cool in the situation he replied with a sassy, "Sweetheart, if I look this good and I'm still single then anything is possible."

After that we sat and talked for hours in attempt to formulate a plan. But like most people our age, we only managed to agree to put it off until later and focus on getting more food. It became apparent that we weren't going to get anywhere after Gay Jake spoke out mid conversation.

"Alright look! You're gonna have to do something with that!" He exclaimed, pointing at Milo's grossly oversized wolf appendage.

"But you seemed so accepting of it earlier." Dex chimed in sarcastically.

"I was and I am!" Gay Jake argued back. "But it still freaks me right the fuck out. I keep thinkin' it's gonna try to crawl towards me or something. Just, here, put this blanket over it."

That morning I went to the grocery store accompanied by Dex and Lita, who had been asleep upstairs the night before. We also were in the company of Gay Jake's no limit credit card and Lesley's van so we could haul as much food as possible, not only to feed the troop of people currently camped out in the house, but to bulk up our two lycanthropic allies. It also turns out to everyone's surprise that Lita required absolutely no convincing that Milo and Teagan were werewolves and that we're on a spun out gang of vampires' shit list.

As it would happen, Lita already new about all that shit. According to her she was a licensed member of the American United Association of Certified Vampire Control Technicians, or A.U.A.C.V.C.T for... short. Auacvct, if you prefer. She had become a memeber after meeting some guy during one of her usual anti poaching assignments that suggested she had the right stuff and showed her how to apply. Apparently it's a lot less hush hush and ceremonious than you'd think. So that means that she's not necessarily a full time vampire hunter, but she's licensed to by the government or something. I remember hearing a story about her one time.

During one of her assignments with a tiger preservation organization she saw a poacher about to kill a wild tiger, and since he hadn't noticed her yet, she just shot him in the ass with her rifle and let the tiger maul him to death in the mild of the jungle. This chick is THE matron saint of fucks ungiven. The fact that she ended up being an actual vampire hunter seriously made me wonder if we were all extremely lucky or extremely unlucky. As she was a very fortunate, billion to one shot protection to a very unfortunate, billion to one shot problem. A fortune teller would lose their shit if they tried to read my palm at that point.

As we pulled into the Walmart parking lot I wondered to myself if this wasn't possibly too much. After all we still didn't have any indication that the people who ran the operation out of that shed were even after us, and definitely nothing to suggest they were vampires. But my suspicions wouldn't last long past that.

After we had finished our shopping and were headed back out to the van with two overloaded buggies a piece, the call of nature struck. "Ok guys, I've got like Kentucky Derby levels of race horse piss in my bladder, so I'm gonna run back in real quick. It'll just take a second." I said as I loaded my last bag into the vehicle.

"A second my ass!" Dex complained. "You've got like the biggest bladder of anyone on earth. You're going to be in there forever. Where do you even put it all?"

"Pee is stored in the balls!" I yelled back at him as I walked away, knowing how much he hated that saying. I heard his agitated "UGH!" fade into the distance as I got close to the entrance.

When I walked through the doors I saw that the greeter had switched from the one who was there when we first arrived. Where the first greeter was an older man, this new one seemed to be a middle age woman who's hair and makeup could only be described as "I'd like to speak to your manager." It only got worse as she greeted me in the most energetic, peppy voice possible. A morning person... I'd have rather ran right down the mouth of one of those bipedal meth mosquitoes than a morning person.

I managed to grimace a smile and a nod as I passed by and headed to the restrooms. On my way there, in one of the aisles I passed by a man in a hoodie who kept staring at me as I walked by. I decided that if he started to follow me I'd call Lita and tell her to get her G.I. Jane ass in here. But he stayed where he was and I made it to the bathroom in one piece.

I walked in and slipped into a stall to do my business. While I was in it I thought I might have heard the door to the restroom open but it was so quiet I figured it must have been the door to the men's room instead. Once I had finished bleeding the phantom lizard I popped the latch on the stall door and started to walk out only to be impeded by the wide smiling face of... the morning person from the front of the store.

"Ugh." I thought. "Excuse me ma'am." I said trying to step past her. But to my surprise she put her hand against my chest and shoved me back into the stall, hard. My head bounced of the tile wall and my vision dotted and speckled as I fought to stay conscious. I came to my senses just as she leaned down into my face.

"I thought that was you! You're staying right here sugar." She hummed in that same insufferably cheerful voice. "I'm just going to call for a little help and then we're going to cart you off and torture you until you tell us where all your little friends are."

"I'm not going any fucking where with you..." I mumbled, still in a daze from the impact. "You have to take me out of this bathroom and the second you do I'll pitch a bitch like you can't imagine. You'll never make it out the door with me."

"HAHA! Oh no sugar, you won't be doing a darn thing after I take just enough blood out to not kill you. Why you won't even be able to stand on your own after I'm done. Now let me just get comfortable first and..." She cooed.

She then started to lift me off the floor and up against the stall partition. As fear and panic started to set in I tried to scream but she pressed her hand over my mouth so hard I could taste blood from my lip. I kicked and squirmed and punch but nothing even seemed to bother her as I felt the hand on my mouth begin to push my head to one side and expose my neck. I watched in horror as her face aged 40 years in front of me. Her now bloodshot eyeballs seemed to bulge from their sockets as she opened her mouth and extended her tongue. At that point her front teeth had began to retract upwards to reveal just two large, sharp, triangular fangs that spanned the entirety of where all of her original teeth should have been. After this the top of her tongue began to split down the middle and blossom open to expose rows upon rows of tiny, cactus like spines, making a revolting suction sound as it did.

She started to lean in towards me, excitement gurgling from her open maw. I still couldn't pry myself from her grip despite my frantic struggle. Just as I felt her hot breath on my face I slammed the point of my knife straight into her exposed eye with every bit of strength I could muster. While she had been putting her game face on I had managed to get my hand underneath my shirt and free the knife from my waistband. I felt the tip hit bone and a grinding, scrapping sensation as the blade slid across the back of the socket. I took my other hand and hammered it into the butt of the handle just to really sink it in. The knife was pulled from my grip as she snatched her head sideways, emitting a screech of agony as she hit the floor and began to flail.

I didn't hesitate. I bolted from the stall and slammed into the locked door, frantically trying to turn the latch I finally managed to get it open and take off through the store. By the time I got back to the van Lita was in the driver's seat facing Dex in the back. I opened the passenger door and got in as fast as possible.

"See! I told you that you'd take forever! We've been in here for like 15 minutes and Lita keeps doing that thing where she keeps saying "I must break you" in Dloph Lundgrin's voice and she knows it freaks me out!" Dex griped as I sat down.

"It's not my fault he's a pu-... Hey are you ok?!" Lita said once she turned to look at me and saw the sweat running down my face and the blood dripping out of my mouth. Before I could collect my thoughts and answer, broken glass exploded in the cab from the driver's side window. Morning Bitch must have went out a back door, circled around, and dived through the window after us. It took took Lita a second to orient herself but once she did, oh boy. Ohhh boy. Operation Oh Hell No went into full effect. Lita grabbed the handle of my knife that was still sticking out of her eye socket to hold her head in place and started raining down elbows on her temple like it was what all the cool kids were doing. Every blow bouncing Morning Bitch's head off the steering wheel causing the horn to bark out over the sounds of Dex freaking the absolute fuck out in the back.

Lita continued the onslaught until the blade finally slipped loose from her head, allowing her to slide out of the window and onto the pavement. As soon as we heard the dull thud of her body crumple to the ground Lita fried up the engine and peeled out of the parking lot as fast as she could.

"Are you ok?" She asked once again, glancing back and forth from the road to me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." I answered, Looking down at my hand when I felt a warm, stinging sensation in my palm. A deep gash ran through the center of my palm. My hand must have slid down onto the edge when I stabbed her. As I looked I noticed a few thin, black lines snaking their way around, peeking out from under the flowing blood as they headed down my wrist towards my arm.

Sliding my hand into my pocket I reassured her,
"I'm fine. Everything's fine."
submitted by joshuawaggoner90 to NaturesTemper [link] [comments]

Gathering all bottle entries - help appreciated!

EDIT: All done! All 18 are listed below.
How quickly the years have flown by since we first set up that message board on an unassuming street corner. Seeing the many and myriad words written there each day never fails to fill our hearts with joy and gratitude.
Perhaps most enjoyable of all to read are the announcements of various festivities organized by adventurers. Gatherings of fellow clansmen, adventurous journeys to far-flung lands, and all sorts of delightful events.
We tip our caps to the passionate adventurers who pour their heart and soul into organizing these outings. One might liken them to a lodestone, drawing people in and bringing like minds together wherever they go.
Finally, we would express our thanks to all of you who take the time to keep diaries of your journeys. It is a pleasure and an honor both to have the privilege of sharing in your adventures.
With best wishes,
The Keepers of the Message Boards
We hear that these days, it's all the rage for adventurers to gather in small groups and paint portraits of themselves striking stylish poses.
As humble art supply provisioners, all we can do is provide the canvas, the palette, the paint, and the brush by which such works of art can be crafted. And we realize there is much we still must do to allow adventurers to fully realize their aesthetic visions.
And yet, seeing the masterworks you are already creating each day instills us with pride and the passion to continue pursuing our craft.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to take part in this creative collaboration, and look forward to providing you with yet more materials to add to your artist's workshop in the future.
Wishing you eternal inspiration,
The Art Provisioners of Eorzea
The other day at the aetheryte plaza, I happened upon a minstrel cheerfully strumming a tune before an admiring crowd of adventurers and townspeople.
Impromptu concerts like these have been happening more and more of late, and I daresay nothing fills our hearts with joy quite like seeing people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life bonding over a love of music.
To all the talented composers and instrumentalists out there, we thank you for providing a soundtrack to stir our own hearts. We hope that the music of Eorzea has served to render your adventures even richer and more memorable.
Ever in harmony with you,
A Humble Instrument-maker
I still remember the day. Fresh off the boat after a long voyage across the Ruby Sea, I strode into the gleaming Gold Saucer. I found an open space in one of the parlors, set up my table, and began to stack my tiles atop it.
Anxiety gripped me to the depths of my body and soul. What if Eorzeans had no interest in the Doman diversion I sought to provide? Would my long journey prove to be for naught?
Fortunately, my worries soon melted away. Within hours, the Manderville Tables were teeming with visitors─locals and travelers from far abroad alike─each more eager than the next to try their hand at the time-honored game of mahjong.
I am no mighty adventurer, and there is only so much I can do for this realm. And so I hope that, in some small way, the game I teach can serve to lighten adventurers' days, and relieve them from the many burdens they bear.
Until we meet at the tables,
An Anonymous Mahjong Tutor
Lately, there is nothing I enjoy quite so much as walking the streets of Eorzea's residential districts, and stopping to admire the many homes open for public viewing.
Seeing the furnishings my colleagues and I crafted with love and care tastefully adorning such warm and welcoming homes─oftentimes in remarkably creative ways─is perhaps the single most enjoyable sight an artisan can experience.
At times, the layouts are so eccentric and unconventional that I fear it is only a matter of time before they come crashing to the ground...but I am nonetheless impressed with the sheer creativity on display.
As for us, we will do all in our power to continue crafting stylish furnishings and ornaments. May you continue to find joy in decorating your happy homes.
With gratitude,
A Humble Woodworker
We have no strength to lend you in battle, nor can we craft wondrous items to serve you in your adventures.
We can't help you win a fortune at the Gold Saucer, nor can we lift your spirits with a happy tune.
At the end of the day, all we can truly offer is companionship─whatever small comfort you can derive from knowing that we'll always be at your side. And yet, for some reason─a reason for which we can only thank the gods─that's enough for you.
And so, we thank you: our friend, our master. Simply say the word, and we will follow you to the ends of the world and beyond. For you mean more to us than you will ever know.
Ever your faithful companions,
Your Minions
The mighty walls of Ul'dah were not built by one man. There were those that hewed the stones, and those that polished them. Those that carried them, and those that stacked them one atop the other until they reached the towering height you see today...
And it is not just the walls. Much of what you see in the world is, in fact, the sum total of the blood, sweat, and tears of countless men and women whose names and faces you will never see.
But there is one more who is essential to truly realize the creation of these wonders...and that is you. For without you, all the efforts of those nameless artisans would mean nothing at all.
And so we speak in unison when we say...thank you. Always remember that you are the reason we devote ourselves to our craft.
With gratitude,
The Nameless Artisans of Eorzea
A little bird tells me that Eorzea is a land where many a bard and minstrel plies their trade.
“Oh, what I would not give to visit that far-off land and hear their strummings with my own ears!” Such is the vain dream I hold in my heart each day, as I sit in this dark room, pounding away against a great machine of levels, dials, and blinking lights.
Countless sounds have been given life in this cold, dank place. Perhaps you have paid special heed to them, but doubtless many of you have not. There is no shame in this─on the contrary, this is proof that they have formed part of the natural fabric of this world.
And yet, at some point in your adventures, if you could pause for even a fleeting moment to take in all the sounds of the living world around you, nothing would give us greater pleasure.
In gratitude,
An Artisan of Acoustics
To those who make a living in the world of the stage, audience reactions are everything. Each joyous cry, each shed tear...we feel it with you, our audience, and then some.
Even when the reviews are harsh, we do not look away. We listen to and reflect upon your every word, each time vowing to use it to provide more powerful and effective performances going forward.
There are times when the poets and playwrights ask more of us than we feel capable of providing, but never do we back down from a challenge. Everything we do, we do it for you─and we thank you for being an ever-appreciative audience.
Yours in gratitude,
A Humble Stage Director
Many a vista we have painted on our canvasses, from familiar surroundings to far-flung locales. If even one or two of them have left an impression on you, there is nothing that would make us happier.
And yet, all we can do is provide the backdrop─the stage on which you, the star of this adventure, will shine.
From skies of azure and seas of ruby to the gentle darkness that comes after the light. Ever will we continue to put brush to canvas, that you might bring the worlds we draw to life.
Ever with you,
A Humble Landscape Artist
Nothing warms my heart quite so much as when I see adventurers about town walking around wearing the clothes and fashions that I designed.
At times, the color and outfit combinations are beyond anything I'd ever imagined! This, in turn, inspires me to not rest on my laurels, but rather to strive to create yet newer and more eclectic fashions.
So to you, who I may never meet, and whose name I may never know, I have only this to say: thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing the clothes of my creation to walk with you.
Yours sincerely,
A Humble Fashion Designer
A tale is not complete the instant the author pens the final word.
No, it is not until the reader then takes the tome in hand, and the words enter their eyes, their heart...only then does the story told in those pages truly come to life.
One could say that you are not only the protagonist of this grand tale of adventure, but also─in a sense─one of its authors. Your thoughts, your decisions, your actions─all serve to dictate the course of the story.
And so we hope, that you will continue to enjoy with all your heart your adventures here. May you ever continue to breathe life into this world.
A Teller of Tales
Hello, friend. Are you perchance enjoying the fireworks? You can be honest with me. After all, I'm just one of the humble artisans responsible for the show you saw today.
To tell the truth, my colleagues and I are responsible for more than fireworks. Storms of pounding rain and bolts of lightning, auroras that dazzle in the sky, mystic lights and the glowing of crystals. The lights and mists that you see upon the stage are all crafted by our hands.
Fireworks are a fleeting thing, are they not? They dazzle the eye and move the heart, but in the next instance they turn to smoke, then fade and vanish without a trace. Think, just for a moment, of how it must feel to put one's heart and soul─and hours of blood, sweat, and tears─into creating something that lasts but an instant.
But please do not misunderstand. We say this not out of bitterness, but with honor and pride─for nothing gives us greater pleasure than to know that our humble efforts have, even in the smallest of ways, helped your star shine all the brighter. And know that we will continue to pour all of our inspiration and imagination into illuminating your grand stage.
Yours in obscurity,
A Humble Artisan
Fledgling adventurer, I pray this message finds you well.
Though your journey has just begun, I sense you will yet make a name for yourself. We must all start somewhere, as I once did. And though not every avenue will lead to fame and glory, I have faith in you.
Wherever your travels may lead, always remember this: You are not alone. When you stumble, there are those who would catch you. When you lose your way, there are those who would guide you back to your path.
Perhaps someday, you will be the one taking the lead, showing others how it's done. Until then, keep fighting the good fight, and may good fortune befall you.
A Fellow Adventurer
It feels like only yesterday that the vows sworn on the shores of Silvertear Lake marked the beginning of the Seventh Astral Era.
You may not remember me, but I was there alongside you─well, figuratively speaking─as we launched the attack on the Praetorium.
I'll never forget the way you cut through the imperial lines─like a hot knife through butter. My unit would've been slaughtered if you hadn't arrived when you did.
I was sent back to my hometown to recover from my wounds, but I wish I could've thanked you in person. Still, I'm grateful for the chance to see my family again, and would have you know that they appreciate your heroic deeds every bit as much as I do.
Your comrade in arms,
A Fellow Grand Company Soldier
I can still remember the day you came swooping into Ishgard on the back of that dragon. I recall that it took even Ser Aymeric a moment to realize you were friend and not foe.
I must admit, I was one of those archers prepared to fire upon your draconian steed. It's a good thing I was wearing my helmet, as I have no doubt my face was beet red with embarrassment when we saw it was you!
Having said that, I'm sure I would've been lost among the crowd, as there were a fair few of us there to mark your return. Unfortunately, being one of the rank and file makes it rather difficult to directly express my gratitude for your brave deeds, which is why I chose to pen this letter.
Even then, I must rely on the tides of fate to carry these words to you. Though as you have proven, miracles can─and often do─happen.
Ever your comrade,
A Devoted Temple Knight
I'd been a member of the Resistance for years, not that we ever had much luck against the Garleans. It felt like we went from one defeat to the next, our numbers growing smaller each time.
But that all changed when you and the Alliance arrived. Your brave deeds turned the tide not only here in Ala Mhigo, but all the way over in Doma, from what I've heard. I'll bet those imperials hardly knew what had hit them.
Even though the fighting here has come to an end, we face a hard road ahead. We'll need to band together as never before if we're to heal the wounds inflicted upon our land by the Garleans.
And yet we have faith. After all, it's you and your comrades who've given us this chance, and we'll be damned if we let it go to waste. You have our gratitude, hero.
Ever your comrade on the battlefield,
A Former Fighter of the Resistance
I snuck this letter on board a certain apparatus before it was sent hurtling backwards through time and space. As it wasn't accounted for on the storage log, I could begin to calculate where─and when─it will eventually arrive.
Even if I were to succeed in sending it two centuries in the past, the odds that it will safely reach the hands of that hero of legend are infinitesimal at best. And yet, the chance is not zero, and it is in remote possibility that I place my hopes.
My ancestor─the first of the name I now proudly bear─once told me that the hero he befriended was, for all of her many talents, above all a woman possessed of great fortune. Fortune that suggested that the Twelve themselves truly did smile upon her.
In that sense, it's not unreasonable to expect that it is indeed you who is reading my words today. And so, I say: thank you, my friend. Thank you for saving our past, and giving us hope for a brighter future. And above all, please look after him, won't you?
Biggs, Third of His Name
Eighteenth President of Garlond Ironworks
submitted by FluffyViera to ffxiv [link] [comments]

First Time Reading | The Eye of the World | Chapters 16 and 17

#01: Prologue + Chapters 1 and 2
#02: Chapters 3, 4, and 5
#03: Chapters 6, 7, and 8
#04: Chapters 9, 10, and 11
#05: Chapters 12 and 13
#06: Chapters 14 and 15
This post covers pages 230 to 259 of The Eye of the World.
Hello, welcome back! I'd like to apologize for the delay, considering I was back on track for a consistent schedule. There was a multi-day late summer event in my town so that delayed this by a few. But here we are, and the next one should come up sooner than this as is.
Chapter 16: The Wisdom, or ‘She’s part of it now.’ (Ch. 17 of 54, Pages 230 to 241)
  • As the group marches their way back into the inn, Min attempts to stop Rand. She tries to warn him about impending danger, but she is ignored. Deep within the inn, the party has a tense argument with Nynaeve, who’s stubborn insistence to return the boys + Egwene home is a match for the entire party. After a long argument, Moiraine dismisses everyone and talks to Nynaeve privately - which seems to largely win her over. After the argument, Nynaeve and Rand have an intimate discussion about Rand’s true origins.
  • Sixteen chapters and a prologue into this series, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We’ve had chapters about introductions. We’ve had chapters about relationships, both blossoming and others hitting rough waters. We’ve had chapters about rising tensions, about frightening chases through the dark from the dark. We’ve had chapters filled with worldbuilding on a grand scale, and we’ve had chapters that have dealt with backstory and the implications of it. We had one particularly nasty prologue about the fruits of madness. But this, chapter 16, might be the first chapter about character, and by the end of it, I just might have a new favorite.
  • But before that, I’ll cover the whole “Min thing.”
  • In the previous chapter, I said something along the lines of: “Oh, I’m sure we will meet Min again. Especially when her prophecies start coming into place. She, or her ability, rather, is far too important a plot device for anything less.” Then - the very first paragraph of the next chapter: “Oh, there’s Min again.” It had somehow slipped by me that the Stag and Lion is her primary hangout, though what she does there isn’t really stated. I guess she works in the stables? Writes the text inside fortune cookies? If I were her, I would hoist a purple tent and make my wages as a fortune teller.
  • That was a joke, by the way. I don’t think Min would want to advertise this ability. If Moiraine takes an interest in her ominous foretelling, I can’t imagine the Whitecloaks would skim it over when making their rounds.
  • So, Min grabs Rand and tells him two things. For one, she is adamant about an impending danger - one that hadn’t existed until just now, apparently. Secondly, that Nynaeve is ‘a part of it, right along with the rest of you.’ Clearly this is a meta-reference to the literary fantasy series called Wheel of Time, first published in 1991, penned by American novelist Robert Jordan, which Nynaeve happens to part of - right along with the rest of them, in fact. On a serious note, Min means that Nynaeve is part of the same upcoming existential conflict that is presumably going to be at the forefront of this series. Gee, I really dug deep for that one didn’t I. But the attention I gave Chapter 13 provided a very clear hint that Nynaeve will have the ability to channel the One Power, so I can only imagine she’ll grow in ways that can only begin to stimulate my imagination. Something tells me that she will have a part to play in the wars to come.
  • Min makes the observation that Nynaeve alone generated the same amount of ‘sparks’ that took four of them to generate just the previous day. I think this could mean two different things. Perhaps both. The sparks could signify the importance of Nynaeve herself, or they could signify the importance of Nynaeve’s arrival in Baerlon. Min doesn’t seem too excited about this; in fact, it’s stated as a warning, which leads me to believe that it’s the second of those options. Despite the fears of our boys, I sincerely doubt Nynaeve is a threat, which means that her arrival is a danger to the party. As for why? This unknown to me at this point. The big takeaway here is that Nynaeve, or her arrival, is significant. For some reason. Noted.
  • Remember, this is at the very start of the chapter, and Min frames it as a warning. While Rand is already anxious and rudely brushes her off, a careful protagonist would have heeded this ominous warning from the fortune teller lady, RAND. As readers, we must take it as a promise that trouble lies ahead.
  • Rand tells Mat and Thom about Min’s ominous warning, that she’s ‘part of it.’ Rand hides the info from Thom. He actively thinks of an excuse when Thom questions this peculiar statement. Considering that Thom is playing the ‘emotional support’ mentor figure for Rand, I am a bit puzzled that he doesn’t try to explain. I’ll settle on the conclusion that he simply doesn’t want to dwell on it, especially since actively discussing Min’s prophetic nature would require him to spend more energy on something that clearly bothered him. I don’t think that Rand would have reservations telling Thom for any other reason.
  • EDIT - Alright, adding onto this. I re-read the passage. I somehow missed this. I am glad I caught it, cause it’s important. Rand doesn’t tell them about it because he realizes how dangerous her secret could be if it were let out - for her, that is. I love that Rand is still naive but we’re watching it quickly get replaced by his more perceptive nature applying the caution he picks up as he goes along. It’s a trial and error process, for sure. He’ll be a ‘wool-headed idiot’ for a while, but it’s important to note.
  • Speaking of the old Gleeman, in the Chapter 15 post I presented an armchair hypothetical - “what if Thom was a Darkfriend?.” Scandalous, you might think. However, I presented some very clear ideas in favor of this particular scenario. I don’t particularly believe it’s true, but it is compatible with the story. Instead of listing them all again, return to the previous post and CTRL-F ‘could Thom’ to see my thoughts on it. I have also spent a lot of time already presenting Thom as one of Rand’s two current mentor figures. (an adjunct to Lan.) Why bring these two well-trodden plots of land up again, you ask? Well, perhaps I can tie them together. IF Thom WAS a Darkfriend, this would be a subversion of the whole ‘mentor always dies’ trope. Rand would learn a ton from Thom (he already has) and he would eventually be betrayed by the old man, which would force Rand to apply all his lessons in a Thom-less world.
  • Oh jeez. I just realized. The mentor always dies. I’ll enjoy you while you’re around, Thom. I don’t really think you’re a Darkfriend. Don’t hate me.
  • Alright, enough about Thom and Min. Let’s talk about the braided beauty, Nynaeve. Don’t tell her I called her that, though.
  • Quick note - tension is built very well and very fast, all thanks to character behavior. Perrin taking a deep breath before walking into the Trolloc’s nest. Rand feeling genuinely nauseated - and looking at the layout of the room and the furniture within it before forcing himself to look at Nynaeve. How they all bunch in as if to hide. It’s best described in the following line: “Nynaeve’s braid was thrown over her shoulder, the end gripped in one fist; she kept giving it little tugs the way she did when she was being even more stubborn than usual with the Village Council.” We’re not here for tea and biscuits, everyone.
  • Of course, I am going to compartmentalize the whole Nynaeve scene. I’ll take a screwdriver and as cleanly as I can, break it down into its parts. Though it might feel like I just used a hammer, at times.
  • Our entry point is an interaction between Lan and Nynaeve. This interaction serves as our re-introduction to Nynaeve, as well as shows a new side of her personality. I’m gonna go as far as to say that it tells me everything I need to know for now, but I’ll get to that later. Lan offers her wine, telling her that ‘you saw the innkeeper bring that here, so it’s not poisoned. No need to be afraid.’ (ah yes, cause the Innkeeper would sneakily dump the vial of suspicious poison after introducing the drink to Nynaeve, instead of just doing it in the other room beforehand. Good one, Lan.) Nynaeve accepts this, but her mouth tightens at the word afraid - as per re-introduction, this line reminds us of her nature. She does not take well to being doubted, which is something she has had to face for years as village Wisdom. This line also serves to create a miniature conflict between her and Lan. He proceeds to question her.
  • How did she manage to find them? Alright, good direction to take the conversation. Nynaeve’s answer to it does a few things. Firstly, it answers that ‘unsolved mystery’, even if the answer (it was the only place they could be) is fairly obvious. Secondly, it shows us another side of Nynaeve - despite the constant doubts she faces, she really is capable. She tracked them herself. I think she knows that she is capable, but she doesn’t get any validation from those she knows. Thirdly, she impresses Lan. It comes as a surprise to him. He obviously has not held the highest opinion of the “sheepherders,” and this resolves that miniature conflict I just mentioned. His respect for her has materialized, and her opinion of him has probably been repaired and then some. So yes, a ‘conflict’ was the right word, because a resolution has already come forth, and with it was birthed mutual respect. Fourthly and finally, this makes her blush, as poorly as she tries to hide it. Rand mentions that as angry and outraged as she can be, she always held the reign over her own emotions. But Lan shows her basic respect and acknowledgment and suddenly Nynaeve enters CODE RED and doesn’t know what the fuck to do.
  • I love this so much. I know I went on about that at quite a length but I really feel like that entire introduction and interaction was masterfully crafted. I don’t know how anyone doesn’t like Nynaeve. At least as a character.
  • Nynaeve is fiercely protective of her fellow sheepherders, and as such, is planted firm with one goal in mind: get them back to herding sheep, rather than being herded by Aes Sedai. During this conversation, she is extremely stubborn and very adamant. She does not budge. This is the Nynaeve we’ve heard about so much. Moiraine and Lan are measured and patient - other than when Nynaeve carelessly throws about the ‘Aes Sedai’ thing. Obviously, taking the other kids home isn’t an option, but all of the calm rationality at their disposal does absolutely little to unravel the knot that is Nynaeves mission. You know, this proposes a darker thought. Moiraine’s threat of killing them all is still lingering fresh. In her words, she would rather slaughter them than let the Dark One get their hands on them - and they are the ones he wants. I understand that they are looking for a diplomatic resolution with the village wisdom, but I have to just assume that if Moiraine truly saw her as a threat - even so much as creating a fuss - Nynaeve would not exactly live happily forever after. Nynaeve’s mission is rooted, but Moiraine’s mission is absolute. Diplomacy is a gesture.
  • Everyone’s favorite charitable religious organization gets another special shoutout, this time highlighting their latest charitable undertaking - Whitecloak questioners! Alright, so these really are Knight Templar types. Got it. Nynaeve mentioned that the village was worried Mat would get his head bonked messing with outlanders. Well, clearly they had nothing to worry about because the first people that Mat decides to mess with are nothing more than your local charitable religious organization who torture people they deem guilty. Mat is totally safe; it’s not like they accused him and Rand of not walking in the light in the previous chapter, right? Haha, that would be so awkward.
  • We get an update from Emond’s field. That’s actually pretty cool, considering I’ve talked about how news being imported into Emond’s Field is rare enough. We get a twist on that of sorts, with a news export. Of course, the village is in shambles. Much of it burnt down, many dead. And then several of their youth run away with strangers. Despised strangers from the darkest chapters of history.
  • Nynaeve took initiative and left on her own accord. She doesn’t explicitly say why, but some of the news she gives provides a pretty clear implicit reason. She mentions that both the village and women’s council are racked with infighting over who to send and how to deal with the issue. I think that Nynaeve’s very low degree of patience for figures of authority in the village completely evaporated and she felt that she is truly the only one who is capable of solving this mess. Of course, she may even see it as an opportunity to prove herself and finally validate her own authority in the village. Based on what we’ve already established, I think those are both fair inferences.
  • Moiraine’s primary argument poised to Nynaeve is that her powers will keep the boys safe from harm. True and obvious. But in her argument, she says some interesting things about the One Power. Touching it… does what? Protects from harm? No fade can harm them within a short radius? Lan can physically sense when Trollocs are nearby? I mean, I’ll take it. If Lan can feel the evil of enemies, that must be one of the benefits of the Aes Sedai bond - something I’d expressed wanting to know more of earlier.
  • Nynaeve briefly confronts Egwene about leaving the village in pursuit of adventure, in lieu of the other boys being forced into it. Egwene gets cornered and intimidated - she probably hoped she’d never had to face the fact that she pretty much abandoned everything she’d ever known, judging by her harsh reactions to Rand bringing it up. Again, he didn’t approach the topic very smoothly, but I digress. However, this is short-lived. Moiraine rescues her by clearing the room.
  • The room being cleared is almost comedic. Egwene simply leads the way, almost joyful to be out of there. Mat scrapes his chair and apologise to everyone. Everyone is out, but Nynaeve and Moiraine are left alone. There’s an ominous tone as Rand leaves the room. I had to wonder if Moiraine was going to cut the bullshit and threaten Nynaeve.
  • The final section of the chapter is an intimate conversation between Nynaeve and Rand. She is calm and compassionate, which tells me that no, Moiraine didn’t threaten her. This makes it more curious to know what went down between the two of them. Moiraine manages to quell Nynaeve’s temper and even partially sway her into an understanding. Chapter 9 shows us that she knows how to calm an angry crowd.
  • So, moving onto the conversation between Nynaeve and Rand. By now I’ve mentioned Rand’s subtle growth quite a bit. How he is slowly evolving due to his experiences, with his personality taking inflections that are noticeable through his thoughts and actions compared to the start of the novel. It is actually some pretty good character work, in that regard. I’d say a large amount of work start with “porthole POV” syndrome where the early characterization is less consistent as the author gets familiar with their world and establishes the plot. My thoughts are actually validated here, with Nynaeve telling Rand that “you have grown, Rand.” He doesn’t notice it because we’re watching through his POV, but we’re getting a look in through the eyes of Nynaeve, someone who hasn’t seen Rand since he was at that start-of-book baseline. She hasn’t watched him grow over the previous 16 chapters, she jumped from point A to B, so while Rand’s character growth is hidden and a little more subtle due to Rand’s oblivious POV, Nynaeve has it presented to her abruptly. This is not the same Rand al’Thor she knew.
  • Some things I noticed that back this up: He holds his sword to his side with importance, he is more cautious and questioning of authority and he is much more forward and far less timid than he used to be, as we saw when he directly confronted Nynaeve during the meeting.
  • We also hear that Moiraine has taken a special interest in Rand’s birth. Uh-oh. “Oh god oh fuck,” thinks Rand.
  • I have already talked about how we are re-introduced to Nynaeve, and then shown numerous facets of her personality we have not seen yet, all within two scenes in this chapter. But the most significant moment is towards the end, when her intimate conversation with Rand reveals that he is not actually from the two Rivers. According to her, his father is Tam, and his mother was a red-haired outlander. I think this is an important moment. Not only does it update us on Tam’s mysterious dialogue and give us more insight into Rand’s true origins, but it gives a cap on Nynaeve’s development in this chapter. Until now, the perception of her was a hostile and authoritarian figure, yet this chapter has slowly unraveled more compassionate, well-meaning, and protective sides of her personality as well. This chapter is framed around Nynaeve and it builds into that reveal, in a way that it feels like it’s signing off on her more empathetic side. It would have been one thing for the chapter to simply deal with the meeting with Nynaeve, but the reveal at the end kind of justifies why I said this chapter so heavily deals with character.
  • I don’t mean to gloss over Rand by talking about Nynaeve so much. He takes this conversation really hard. I think he kind of knew that Tam was telling the truth, but Tam’s delirious state provided enough cover for him to hide away from it and keep it at arms-length away from having to face it. Nynaeve confirming that he is in fact not from Emond’s Field promptly tears off that cover and confirms Rand’s worst fears. The band-aid is ripped clean off.
  • Okay, before we move on, I think it needs to be said. One of Tam’s “delusions” was that Rand was found on a blood-stained mountain, the son of an invader that Tam fought against in his youth. Tam acquired himself a ginger wifey. So I'm leaning to believe that it’s pure coincidence that Rand happened to grow up with ginger hair as well. I think that it was merely a convenient alibi that Kari is Rand’s mother. Nynaeve is unaware of the invader giving birth on the mountain. But if half of Tam’s ‘delusion’ is true, then… Yeah, Rand was adopted as an orphan. I’m believing that unless it’s proven otherwise.
  • Her conversation with Rand oddly paints a sort of mentor-like role adjunct to Thom and Lan. But unlike them, I don’t think that her role in the story is particularly relegated to that role. I think she will blossom into her own as the story continues. The reason I say this is because she is basically mother hen to the Emond’s Fielders. Fiercely protective, dutiful in her nature to keep them safe and looked after.(To clarify - I’m leaning on Lan having a bigger role as well, but he’s clearly serving that mentor purpose for now.)
  • I’ve complained that certain characters so far have been kind of just bobbing along in incubators, not getting much attention. Perrin and Mat, really. This chapter only really develops the character arcs of Nynaeve and Rand, but every character gets at least a minor moment to shine. Perrin leads the ‘charge against Nynaeve’, Rand has his development showcased as I said already, Mat scrapes his chairs and even shows a little bit of vulnerability, Moiraine is as intimidating and larger-than-life as ever, Lan shows a new side to himself when Nynaeve surprises him, and Thom serves a role by instilling some fear into Nynaeve with his speech about Whitecloaks.
  • Here are all of the characters, ranked by how much I like them and their characterization. At this point.
LAST: PERRIN - Sorry. There is potential there, but right now he is just tagging along and doesn’t get very much time to really standout. Again, I like the base for his character, but he’s sort of just hanging out in the back unnoticed.
7th: LAN - This guy could be awesome. In fact, I’m sure he will be. But right now he is the big gruff guy with the sword. I want to see more aspects of his personality explored.
6th: MAT - This is where I really start to like the characters. Right now he’s just sort of the comic relief sidekick. Funny, daring, a little dumb, a little timid. But with some growth and maturity I could see him becoming really awesome. I just hope he keeps some of that trickster energy!
5th: THOM - He throws knives. He can juggle. He is a storyteller. He has beliefs. He is intelligent and can evaluate situations. He is an old bad-ass with a fun side and an empathetic touch. He’s awesome.
4th: MOIRAINE - Intimidating. Authoritarian. Sometimes compassionate. Yet has human moments, like her joy when Thom performs his tricks. I feel like we’re only seeing her most outward layer right now. She’s essentially on a job and what we see has been dictated by her duty. I would like to see some of those inner layers at some point.
3rd: EGWENE: She is immature, brash, and hot-headed. Yet she’s so damn fun to read about. She’s an example of a very well-written character with glaring flaws. I’m a little less sympathetic than I was during the Chapter 13 analysis, where I sided with her over Rand.
2nd: RAND: Has the POV advantage! For a standard farm boy protagonist he is written as a very realistic human with complex emotions, and it is easy to sympathize with him. I am also a fan of his recent growth.
And that leaves...
So yeah, I think Nynaeve might be my favorite character already. I’ve gone over what I like about her at length in this post. Bring on the pitchforks!
  • My favorite one so far. Character work was sublime. Loved the update about Emond’s Field. Only nitpick is Lan being a wool-head. _____
  • Nynaeve will join the party. There are no other options. She’s ‘part of it now.’ I find myself curious about the dynamic she will bring to the party. I think she will continue to look out for her brethren at all costs, and this may put her at odds with Moiraine and Lan. Chapter 13 was one of my favorites because it showed that there were factions and animosities forming within the party, so it will be very interesting to see how Nynaeve being thrown into the mix will shake things up.
  • As for the blatant oopsie of Moiraine that there was another in the Two Rivers who could channel, (which totally Nynaeve), I think it’ll be interesting to see how Egwene and Nynaeve’s relationship develops. Will they bond over their powers, or will they become rivals? Egwene practically leaped at the chance to become an Aes Sedai, but Nynaeve seems rooted in the values of her village. Will this caus animosity between the two of them? Hell, will Nynaeve even accept her powers when Moiraine posits them to her? I am leaning towards conflict. Nice and juicy conflict. We’re at the very start of the story, and there has already been almost as much set-up for infighting on the side of the light as much as there has been for the Dark One and his agenda.
  • On that note, I predict that Nynaeve’s wisdom powers tie into the One Power somehow. However, it seems as though every Two Rivers village has one, and I doubt they are all ‘One Power-ed up’, so I can’t really extrapolate anything more.
Chapter 17: Watchers and Hunters, or the night is dark and full of terrors. (Ch. 18 of 54, Pages to 242 to 259)
  • Distressed, Rand finds himself listening to Thom perform ‘The Great Hunt of the Horn.’ After an epic performance, the Stag and the Lion find themselves having a dance. With spirits high, the party prepare to sleep as they leave at first light. Unfortunately, Rand has an encounter with a big spooky Myrddraal, which prompts Lan to rouse everyone to leave right now. As they hurriedly leave Baerlon, the party is confronted by Bornhald’s Whitecloaks’ who briefly flight against Moiraine before they all flee intact. The party leaves Baerlon in the dust, only to see that the Stag and Lion is being burned.
  • Rand finds himself shaken up by his emotional conversation with Nynaeve, so he makes his way to the common room to ‘hear people laugh’, and to see Thom perform. This is interesting when you contrast it to the end of Chapter 14, where Rand declines to watch Thom, opting to go to bed instead. I think it’s because beforehand, he had been Dark-One-free for nearly a week, and other than some interpersonal turbulence with Egwene, the winds had calmed. He had relegated the weird moment with Tam to his subconscious. However, the Dark One has been haunting his nightmares, and now Nynaeve has sprung open that box of backstory he had avoided looking at. Suddenly, the reprieve of a Gleeman is a welcome distraction.
  • In the common room, everyone is captivated by Thom’s telling of ‘The Great Hunt of the Horn’, a grand epic that has to be told in fractured sections based around characters because the entire story would take over a week to tell. Huh, it’s like their version of a cinematic universe ;). As I’m reading this, I have to wonder about the last time when this was mentioned. I brought up that I wasn’t sure if the second novel was simply an in-universe play on words, or if this grand tale will have something to do with the plot. We were told previously that the mythical horn would re-animate all of the dead heroes when blown, which is there is a massive hunt for it. It would be cool to see something like this, wouldn’t you say? Each Hunter for the horn is a legend of their own, a larger than life figure, a tale that can captivate an audience. I am probably reading way too far into this, but if there WAS a second hunt for the horn, it would be awesome to see the story from the point of view of the Hunters. They would still be larger than life, but it would be a more ‘human’ version we’d witness rather than a grand and epic one performed by a Gleeman in high chant.
  • Thom’s style - how he captivates the audience with high chant, before performing a heavy ballad (dude can sing!)before lightening the mood with a fun song that sends everyone into a dance. He’s not just an storylifer performing, he’s a crafter of atmosphere and emotion. Takes everyone through the motions. I am starting to realize the significance of Gleemen in this world. They are more than just entertainers, they are windows to the past, and their interpretations and presentations of myths and legends shape public perception of these events. I talked about this a bit when Thom was first introduced, but I didn’t realize the full extent of it. There is likely a lot of mis-information that scholars have to sift through, due to Gleemen adding and changing details for the sake of dramatization, which are passed through generations and slowly changed like a game of telephone.
  • As Rand dances, he notices a scarred man by the fireplace, scowling at him. Now of course, he could just be a regular old bloke who thinks it’s rude to stare, and perhaps Rand is just being paranoid, but it’s an obvious standout in the jovial atmosphere of the tavern. Of course, this gives me major ‘Strider’ vibes from Lord of the Rings. What’s another comparison at this point.
  • Much to Rand’s utter delight, the Dance patterns involve swapping partners in sync with everyone else. Naturally, he ends up with Nynaeve and Moiraine. We already saw a bit of Moiraine’s side when she was delighted and gleeful at some of Thom’s magic tricks, but it’s a tad bit jarring to see her like this because Rand only ever thinks of her as an authoritarian powerhouse. Nynaeve never dances, which shocks him, but considering she’s getting her only night out away from Emond’s Field, she has to let loose of course. Idk, this scene makes me realize that despite Rand seeing these as ‘oppressive’ authority figures, they are still all on the side of the Light, here. Even if motivations are ambiguous.
  • “It was a relief to go to his next partner in the pattern, even if it was Egwene.” Heh, I see what you did there, Robert Jordan-Man. I bet you think you’re so clever. Tensions are high between our lovebirds. Rand is matched with her during the dance, yet they are unable to address one another. Egwene doesn’t know what to do about her hair, so she ties it in a knot to avoid braiding it. I’d like to think that Nynaeve’s presence makes her conflicted, but realistically, I’m leaning on her just trying to avoid conflict where she can.
  • After our dance, our party prepares for bed. Rand and Mat discuss the strange man with Lan. It appears that he is not a Darkfriend, he’s a spy for the whitecloaks. I’m inclined to believe it, but I’m not sure how Lan is able to differentiate. Rand notes that Lan still feels uncomfortable.
  • “There’s something wrong tonight.” LAN FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE. Also, as soon as the dance ends, there is an immediate tonal shift. It’s almost as though one chapter ends and another begins. The tavern darkens and things begin to become uneasy. As though the good guys had too much fun so now darkness strikes back just as hard.
  • I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the TV show will do this as a jumpscare, and hey, it may work after so long without seeing anything particularly evil. Alone, Rand has an encounter with a Fade. It’s pretty awesome because I get to see one up close. It’s pale like a slug under a rock, it’s jet black hair and feature-less face make this incredibly creepy. It… spares Rand, and flees without trouble the minute Lan shows his face. The shadows embrace it as it leaves, which gave an incredible visual in my head, as though it dissipates into darkness the second it leaves into the night. Remember how Lan felt uncomfortable? It must have been Lan’s spidey-sense powers, the one Moiraine told Nynaeve that he possesses.
  • Everyone prepares to GTFO, and the question now is, how did it know that the boys were there? Well, I see Three options: Thom, Nynaeve, or… Padan Fain. I’ve been having fun with the ‘Thom is a Darkfriend theory’, as I highlighted in Chapter 16 and a little earlier. Using the hypothetical thematic evidence I put forward for that, it’s possible he let out a tip. Now, Nynaeve obviously isn’t a Darkfriend, but if she traveled up to Baerlon, it’s possible that the Fade near Emond’s Field figured she was chasing after the party and followed her. Thirdly… Padan Fain. Everything about him is a little weird, but if he were a Darkfriend, it would explain how he survived and why he vanished. Also, Rand told him all of their information back when he encountered him earlier in the day - which was stupid, but I already mentioned that.
  • “You can ride with us or you can ride to Shayol Ghul,” Lan tells Thom. Ouch. The guy is nice and he can throw knives, Lan! Don’t piss him off. Well, Lan was suspicious of Thom the moment he joined the party. I suppose the sudden appearance of the Fade is bringing out his latent fears and suspicious. Maybe that’s what he means when he says that you can ‘ride to Shayol Ghul’, but really I think he’s saying he can fuck off if he wants to in a safe and friendly PG-13 WoT way.
  • Egwene is shown to be truly frightened, for the first time. Rand almost feels satisfied with it, like he is vindicated in their earlier argument. Of course, Rand was completely immature in that argument, and this satisfaction now shows that he hasn’t really come that far on that front. However, he does catch himself and feels guilty, so self-awareness is a good start. As for Egwene, Nynaeve's arrival really is making her have second thoughts, like her rebellious abandonment of Emond’s Field is an itch that has been scratched for too long. But it’s too late now, kiddo.
  • They leave the inn with Nynaeve, as well as my favorite recurring character, Lan’s magical unlimited bribery purse makes another appearance when he convinces the Gatesman to open the gates for them. Every Man Has His Price.
  • And just as Baerlon seems to be behind them… another Baerlon-plot grabs us by the scruff of the neck, demanding to be resolved. Of course, that’s the Children of the Light. A group of five of them strut to the gate, hoping to cause trouble. Bornhald’s got one hell of a superiority complex. He lives a life of privilege and feux-honor, championing himself a champion of light, while he actually represents an evil and corrupt organization. This, mixed with his ego from getting away with terrorizing citizens is why I think he was bold enough to directly challenge Moiraine. The systemic hatred for Aes Sedai was just an added dose of flavor.
  • So, something really cool happens here! Do you know how Moiraine has been extremely patient, yet very threatening at the same time? Like, you know she’s a massive potential threat, but she sticks to patience just because it puts the boys at ease and makes it easier to gain their trust. But that threat is still there, like a bull that has been calmed. So yeah… we finally see an angry Moiraine. As the Whitecloaks are bold enough to threaten her, she drops the act and is furious, and we find her in battle with the five Whitecloaks.
  • I don’t know what I’m reading at this point. Moiraine grows into a giant. Yup. That’s it. No profound insights for you there. No literary analysis. Moiraine turns into a goddamn giant with shiny eyes. Alright. All bets are off. I felt confident we’d be dealing with elemental magic in this story. Mist, fire, lightning. Natural stuff. But no, the AES SEDAI HAVE ANT-MAN POWERS APPARENTLY. I’m not even gonna bother, anymore.
  • Now, giant Moiraine buys enough time for everyone else to flee. As we leave Baerlon behind, I realize that they are on the run from both the Light and the Dark side. I am positive the Children will pursue them.
  • Moiraine returns and refuses to take questions or even acknowledge what happened. She even insinuates that the mind was merely playing tricks. Alright Moiraine, I’m sure that’s all it was. But in all honesty, it does seem possible that she only cast an illusion and didn’t actually increase her physical form. Not really stated. Weird either way.
  • The immediate threat subsides, and an hour out from Baerlon, we see the Stag and Lion aflame. Moiraine refuses to return and help, saying that it would likely cause more harm than good. She also says she will send the gold to rebuild it. I’d like to say I trust her, but I don’t know. I would like to point out something pretty cool I noticed. The first half of the chapter was so vibrant with life, with the gleeman’s tale and the dance party giving the chapter a feeling of happiness and love. Yet, here we are, at the end of the chapter, with the refuge that had provided that moment of peace burning to the ground. I suppose this symbolizes the simple fact that nothing good can last during this time of darkness.
  • Just an hour after joining the party, Nynaeve forces an argument with Moiraine over the Stag and Lion. Moiraine is clearly disinterested in getting involved for now, while Nynaeve demands action. This highlights two things. First, are their differing viewpoints in regards to their priorities. Moiraine sees the big picture and knows restraint - even at short term cost - and will send gold later on, but Nynaeve’s protective nature demands that help be given immediately, doing something, regardless of the consequences. Another thing this highlights is a dynamic that Nynaeve will bring to the party - someone who is absolutely willing to stand up to Moiraine, something nobody has done until now. Of course, Lan gets very agitated when she does this.
  • With the events of the night behind them, they prepare to rest. “I thought we were safe, you know, Rand?”, Mat says. Perrin agrees with this sentiment. The time in Baerlon was a haven, and now they’re back into the Wild West. All that exists now is uncertainty, and fear. I love the imagery of them watching Moiraine against the backdrop of the stars as they fall asleep.
  • Another thing I want to present… No matter her motives, Moiraine opposes the Dark One. Even if they are afraid and under threat of her, they can’t help but see Moiraine as a protector, watching over them. She’s guarding them as they make their way through the world during a dangerous time. Much like how a child sees their parents. But much like the parent of the child, Moiraine is probably terrified as well. She’s more capable, more learned, but she still has to help these children navigate a dark and complex world, and while she is more equipped to deal with dangerous threats, there may come a time when those children have to leave the nest and find their own way.
  • Also, one final thing. It’s not really stated if it was the Dark One’s forces who set the Stag and Lion aflame… or the Whitecloaks. I’m honestly leaning on the latter.
  • Most of my opinions are spread out through my thoughts, but there’s a couple of things I didn’t get to. This was a very exciting chapter, with a lot of cool things happening. I absolutely loved the first half in the inn, with the celebrations led by Thom, and the encounter of the Fade being driven by very powerful and vivid imagery. However, I’m going to be honest - there is a glaring weakness present. That is that after they leave the Stag and Lion, Rand gets ‘Porthole POV’d, and it feels as though we’re getting the story through Rand holding a camera and not through Rand’s mind as he’s experiencing the events. This makes the action, while exciting, lose a lot of potential visceral tension. Compare this to the sequence in Chapter 6, when Rand is pulling Tam through the forest. In that chapter, Rand’s mind is racing. A million thoughts and fears compete for dominance as he struggles through his exhaustion to get Tam into Emond’s Field. In this chapter, some really awesome stuff happens, but we’re told that it happens rather than getting Rand’s racing thoughts on the matter. From the moment we leave Baerlon, to the moment the party sets up camp for the night, we can count Rand’s thoughts and emotions on one hand. Again, fun chapter - my thoughts showed that there was a lot of meat to tear off the bone - but it could have been truly visceral and fantastic. _____
  • Oh gosh, where to go from here. We’re a long way off from Tar Valon, but we have reached the second phase in the journey. Of course, this phase will be wrought with more tension than before, with enemies of the dark and light both on their heels. I imagine this stressful atmosphere will lead to tensions and factions forming inside the party much like it did before they reach Baerlon, only this time with Nynaeve in the mix and things turned up to 11. Now that we’ve seen Moiraine lose her cool once, it’s only a matter of time before we see her do it again
submitted by appleboiii to WoT [link] [comments]

[WP] It was hard to suppress your laughter when the fortune teller told you her price was not cash, but a year off the end of your life. It doesn't seem so funny after she turned you away for 'insufficient funds.'

I walk down a Chicago sidewalk, I reminisce on my recent woes. Another stupid loss, now I’m eight hundred grand down. I’ll fix my debt sometime, but it has to be soon, freakin rich casino warlords. I swear out of all the punishments they could choose, it’s a friggin fortune teller, whatever it’s just a fortune teller. My punishment is comparatively light punishment, mostly just a waste of time.
Exiting my thoughts I look to my left, and step off the city sidewalk, and enter a corporate-like building, ready to get my fortune read.
I look around and see empty space, just a small wooden door. I enter the door, look around, I see sand-colored, thin cloth covering the top and sides of the room, along with a light-brown colored floor, with flashy gemstones covering the entire room. I look to the center of the room and see a gaudily dressed woman. She has dark skin, is wearing robes of bright colors, and is covered in presumably fake gems. The fortune teller oozes an air of confidence, and somehow, just a hint of believability.
That woman won’t convince me however, so I ask her “So what’s the price, make it quick,” don’t want to waste more time.
“One year off the end of your life, that’s my price,” the gaudy woman tells me, in a serious, ominous tone.
Who’s gullible enough to believe that she can actually do that?
“Yeah, sure whatever, I don’t care.” I accept her offer, but a feeling nags at me, maybe, just maybe, she’s right.
She waves her arm in front her in serene motions, she stops her arms and looks piercingly at me.
“You do not have funds to complete the transaction,” she says that as she seemingly gazes into my soul.
“You don’t have enough funds, now shoo!”
“Whatever, I’ll just have to explain to my them that I couldn’t complete the bet.” Hopefully the collectors will let me off easy. I mumble to myself. Dumb, weird, fortune teller.
I walk out of the shady, slightly broken down, but somehow corporate-looking building. I stand on the sidewalk, reflecting on my experience. No words come to mind except, weird, really weird. Anyway, I use my phone and order a taxi.
After about ten minutes my yellow taxi finally arrives, I wave to it, ushering it toward me. A man steps out, he is in a suit strangely enough, but it looks fairy tattered, and worn, so I don’t think much of it. I get a good look at the driver, he is a fairly average-looking thirty year old man, chubby-ish face, brown eyes, black hair, slightly large frame, and very hairy arms.
“Where to?” He asks me.
“9, Complete Street, Whotingville.”
“Gotcha, he says, with a strangely satisfied tone.
I open the back seat right-hand side door, and step in. The taxi has leather cushions, which have cracks on parts of them, there’s a ceiling that’s torn in one place, revealing some sort of yellow foam. After orienting myself, I sit back and relax. The driver stays silent, eh, I’m not complaining, I’m down for some peace right now. After ten minutes, the driver finally makes noise.
“So what’s up?” He asks me.
Ok, simple small talk, “nothin much, just the usual daily grind.”
“Same here, honestly driving taxis all day isn’t the most interesting thing.”
“Fair enough.”
After exchanging some more conversation, stuff like family troubles to favorite childhood games. He finally asks me “so where do you work at?”
Shifting around slightly, I say my normal lie, as directed by the casino loan sharks, “I work as a security guard in at the Nightshade Art Museum.”
He starts grinning like a madman, he also suddenly pulls over. He stops in an alleyway, to the sides are three story tall, brick apartments. Once he drives toward the alleyway, I go one edge, I discreetly unbuckle my seatbelt. I make sure to take note of everything my driver does. My driver strategically, parked the car sideways, blocking the way from which we came from. The only scenery in this alleyway is the metal emergency stairs from the apartments.
“What are you doing?!” I finally exclaim something, both shocked and scared.
My driver looks back at me, and stays silent, but I catch a glint in his eyes that completely unnerves me.
I get the guts to leave, and frantically unlock the taxi door, and rush out the window. I dash toward the side of the alley not blocked by a car, unfortunately I can’t see what’s on the other side. I fly down the rocky ground of the alleyway. While running, I look left, then right, the scenery repeats. After what feels like years of frantic and exhausting running, I reach a literal brick wall, there only two sets of not sturdy stairs next to me. I look and see the man in a suit behind me. The man is chasing me, his run screams the fact that he is someone, unhinged, he is erratically moving, seemingly not able to run in a straight line. After glancing back toward my chaser, I run up a set of stairs, I think one of the doors is open. Fueled by hope, I climb the stairs, every step making metal beneath me shake noticeably. After climbing two sets of stairs, and passing two doors, I reach a third door. The door is closed, no, crap, crap! I knock loudly on the door, pounding with every ounce of my strength, no response. After pounding up the stairs, the man finally reaches the third door. He stops looks at me, his face like that of a minotaur crossed with cold and calculating billionaire.
The man points a pistol at me and says, “pay your damn debt next time.”
So this how ends huh? How crappy.
The man shoots at me. Everything goes dark.
Fairly generic plot, but I still wanted to take a stab at it.
Tips always appreciated!
submitted by Red_Cascade to CascadeCorner [link] [comments]

First Time Reading | The Eye of the World | Chapters 16 and 17

#01: Prologue + Chapters 1 and 2
#02: Chapters 3, 4, and 5
#03: Chapters 6, 7, and 8
#04: Chapters 9, 10, and 11
#05: Chapters 12 and 13
#06: Chapters 14 and 15
This post covers pages 230 to 259 of The Eye of the World.
Hello, welcome back! I'd like to apologize for the delay, considering I was back on track for a consistent schedule. There was a multi-day late summer event in my town so that delayed this by a few. But here we are, and the next one should come up sooner than this as is.
Chapter 16: The Wisdom, or ‘She’s part of it now.’ (Ch. 17 of 54, Pages 230 to 241)
  • As the group marches their way back into the inn, Min attempts to stop Rand. She tries to warn him about impending danger, but she is ignored. Deep within the inn, the party has a tense argument with Nynaeve, who’s stubborn insistence to return the boys + Egwene home is a match for the entire party. After a long argument, Moiraine dismisses everyone and talks to Nynaeve privately - which seems to largely win her over. After the argument, Nynaeve and Rand have an intimate discussion about Rand’s true origins.
  • Sixteen chapters and a prologue into this series, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We’ve had chapters about introductions. We’ve had chapters about relationships, both blossoming and others hitting rough waters. We’ve had chapters about rising tensions, about frightening chases through the dark from the dark. We’ve had chapters filled with worldbuilding on a grand scale, and we’ve had chapters that have dealt with backstory and the implications of it. We had one particularly nasty prologue about the fruits of madness. But this, chapter 16, might be the first chapter about character, and by the end of it, I just might have a new favorite.
  • But before that, I’ll cover the whole “Min thing.”
  • In the previous chapter, I said something along the lines of: “Oh, I’m sure we will meet Min again. Especially when her prophecies start coming into place. She, or her ability, rather, is far too important a plot device for anything less.” Then - the very first paragraph of the next chapter: “Oh, there’s Min again.” It had somehow slipped by me that the Stag and Lion is her primary hangout, though what she does there isn’t really stated. I guess she works in the stables? Writes the text inside fortune cookies? If I were her, I would hoist a purple tent and make my wages as a fortune teller.
  • That was a joke, by the way. I don’t think Min would want to advertise this ability. If Moiraine takes an interest in her ominous foretelling, I can’t imagine the Whitecloaks would skim it over when making their rounds.
  • So, Min grabs Rand and tells him two things. For one, she is adamant about an impending danger - one that hadn’t existed until just now, apparently. Secondly, that Nynaeve is ‘a part of it, right along with the rest of you.’ Clearly this is a meta-reference to the literary fantasy series called Wheel of Time, first published in 1991, penned by American novelist Robert Jordan, which Nynaeve happens to part of - right along with the rest of them, in fact. On a serious note, Min means that Nynaeve is part of the same upcoming existential conflict that is presumably going to be at the forefront of this series. Gee, I really dug deep for that one didn’t I. But the attention I gave Chapter 13 provided a very clear hint that Nynaeve will have the ability to channel the One Power, so I can only imagine she’ll grow in ways that can only begin to stimulate my imagination. Something tells me that she will have a part to play in the wars to come.
  • Min makes the observation that Nynaeve alone generated the same amount of ‘sparks’ that took four of them to generate just the previous day. I think this could mean two different things. Perhaps both. The sparks could signify the importance of Nynaeve herself, or they could signify the importance of Nynaeve’s arrival in Baerlon. Min doesn’t seem too excited about this; in fact, it’s stated as a warning, which leads me to believe that it’s the second of those options. Despite the fears of our boys, I sincerely doubt Nynaeve is a threat, which means that her arrival is a danger to the party. As for why? This unknown to me at this point. The big takeaway here is that Nynaeve, or her arrival, is significant. For some reason. Noted.
  • Remember, this is at the very start of the chapter, and Min frames it as a warning. While Rand is already anxious and rudely brushes her off, a careful protagonist would have heeded this ominous warning from the fortune teller lady, RAND. As readers, we must take it as a promise that trouble lies ahead.
  • Rand tells Mat and Thom about Min’s ominous warning, that she’s ‘part of it.’ Rand hides the info from Thom. He actively thinks of an excuse when Thom questions this peculiar statement. Considering that Thom is playing the ‘emotional support’ mentor figure for Rand, I am a bit puzzled that he doesn’t try to explain. I’ll settle on the conclusion that he simply doesn’t want to dwell on it, especially since actively discussing Min’s prophetic nature would require him to spend more energy on something that clearly bothered him. I don’t think that Rand would have reservations telling Thom for any other reason.
  • EDIT - Alright, adding onto this. I re-read the passage. I somehow missed this. I am glad I caught it, cause it’s important. Rand doesn’t tell them about it because he realizes how dangerous her secret could be if it were let out - for her, that is. I love that Rand is still naive but we’re watching it quickly get replaced by his more perceptive nature applying the caution he picks up as he goes along. It’s a trial and error process, for sure. He’ll be a ‘wool-headed idiot’ for a while, but it’s important to note.
  • Speaking of the old Gleeman, in the Chapter 15 post I presented an armchair hypothetical - “what if Thom was a Darkfriend?.” Scandalous, you might think. However, I presented some very clear ideas in favor of this particular scenario. I don’t particularly believe it’s true, but it is compatible with the story. Instead of listing them all again, return to the previous post and CTRL-F ‘could Thom’ to see my thoughts on it. I have also spent a lot of time already presenting Thom as one of Rand’s two current mentor figures. (an adjunct to Lan.) Why bring these two well-trodden plots of land up again, you ask? Well, perhaps I can tie them together. IF Thom WAS a Darkfriend, this would be a subversion of the whole ‘mentor always dies’ trope. Rand would learn a ton from Thom (he already has) and he would eventually be betrayed by the old man, which would force Rand to apply all his lessons in a Thom-less world.
  • Oh jeez. I just realized. The mentor always dies. I’ll enjoy you while you’re around, Thom. I don’t really think you’re a Darkfriend. Don’t hate me.
  • Alright, enough about Thom and Min. Let’s talk about the braided beauty, Nynaeve. Don’t tell her I called her that, though.
  • Quick note - tension is built very well and very fast, all thanks to character behavior. Perrin taking a deep breath before walking into the Trolloc’s nest. Rand feeling genuinely nauseated - and looking at the layout of the room and the furniture within it before forcing himself to look at Nynaeve. How they all bunch in as if to hide. It’s best described in the following line: “Nynaeve’s braid was thrown over her shoulder, the end gripped in one fist; she kept giving it little tugs the way she did when she was being even more stubborn than usual with the Village Council.” We’re not here for tea and biscuits, everyone.
  • Of course, I am going to compartmentalize the whole Nynaeve scene. I’ll take a screwdriver and as cleanly as I can, break it down into its parts. Though it might feel like I just used a hammer, at times.
  • Our entry point is an interaction between Lan and Nynaeve. This interaction serves as our re-introduction to Nynaeve, as well as shows a new side of her personality. I’m gonna go as far as to say that it tells me everything I need to know for now, but I’ll get to that later. Lan offers her wine, telling her that ‘you saw the innkeeper bring that here, so it’s not poisoned. No need to be afraid.’ (ah yes, cause the Innkeeper would sneakily dump the vial of suspicious poison after introducing the drink to Nynaeve, instead of just doing it in the other room beforehand. Good one, Lan.) Nynaeve accepts this, but her mouth tightens at the word afraid - as per re-introduction, this line reminds us of her nature. She does not take well to being doubted, which is something she has had to face for years as village Wisdom. This line also serves to create a miniature conflict between her and Lan. He proceeds to question her.
  • How did she manage to find them? Alright, good direction to take the conversation. Nynaeve’s answer to it does a few things. Firstly, it answers that ‘unsolved mystery’, even if the answer (it was the only place they could be) is fairly obvious. Secondly, it shows us another side of Nynaeve - despite the constant doubts she faces, she really is capable. She tracked them herself. I think she knows that she is capable, but she doesn’t get any validation from those she knows. Thirdly, she impresses Lan. It comes as a surprise to him. He obviously has not held the highest opinion of the “sheepherders,” and this resolves that miniature conflict I just mentioned. His respect for her has materialized, and her opinion of him has probably been repaired and then some. So yes, a ‘conflict’ was the right word, because a resolution has already come forth, and with it was birthed mutual respect. Fourthly and finally, this makes her blush, as poorly as she tries to hide it. Rand mentions that as angry and outraged as she can be, she always held the reign over her own emotions. But Lan shows her basic respect and acknowledgment and suddenly Nynaeve enters CODE RED and doesn’t know what the fuck to do.
  • I love this so much. I know I went on about that at quite a length but I really feel like that entire introduction and interaction was masterfully crafted. I don’t know how anyone doesn’t like Nynaeve. At least as a character.
  • Nynaeve is fiercely protective of her fellow sheepherders, and as such, is planted firm with one goal in mind: get them back to herding sheep, rather than being herded by Aes Sedai. During this conversation, she is extremely stubborn and very adamant. She does not budge. This is the Nynaeve we’ve heard about so much. Moiraine and Lan are measured and patient - other than when Nynaeve carelessly throws about the ‘Aes Sedai’ thing. Obviously, taking the other kids home isn’t an option, but all of the calm rationality at their disposal does absolutely little to unravel the knot that is Nynaeves mission. You know, this proposes a darker thought. Moiraine’s threat of killing them all is still lingering fresh. In her words, she would rather slaughter them than let the Dark One get their hands on them - and they are the ones he wants. I understand that they are looking for a diplomatic resolution with the village wisdom, but I have to just assume that if Moiraine truly saw her as a threat - even so much as creating a fuss - Nynaeve would not exactly live happily forever after. Nynaeve’s mission is rooted, but Moiraine’s mission is absolute. Diplomacy is a gesture.
  • Everyone’s favorite charitable religious organization gets another special shoutout, this time highlighting their latest charitable undertaking - Whitecloak questioners! Alright, so these really are Knight Templar types. Got it. Nynaeve mentioned that the village was worried Mat would get his head bonked messing with outlanders. Well, clearly they had nothing to worry about because the first people that Mat decides to mess with are nothing more than your local charitable religious organization who torture people they deem guilty. Mat is totally safe; it’s not like they accused him and Rand of not walking in the light in the previous chapter, right? Haha, that would be so awkward.
  • We get an update from Emond’s field. That’s actually pretty cool, considering I’ve talked about how news being imported into Emond’s Field is rare enough. We get a twist on that of sorts, with a news export. Of course, the village is in shambles. Much of it burnt down, many dead. And then several of their youth run away with strangers. Despised strangers from the darkest chapters of history.
  • Nynaeve took initiative and left on her own accord. She doesn’t explicitly say why, but some of the news she gives provides a pretty clear implicit reason. She mentions that both the village and women’s council are racked with infighting over who to send and how to deal with the issue. I think that Nynaeve’s very low degree of patience for figures of authority in the village completely evaporated and she felt that she is truly the only one who is capable of solving this mess. Of course, she may even see it as an opportunity to prove herself and finally validate her own authority in the village. Based on what we’ve already established, I think those are both fair inferences.
  • Moiraine’s primary argument poised to Nynaeve is that her powers will keep the boys safe from harm. True and obvious. But in her argument, she says some interesting things about the One Power. Touching it… does what? Protects from harm? No fade can harm them within a short radius? Lan can physically sense when Trollocs are nearby? I mean, I’ll take it. If Lan can feel the evil of enemies, that must be one of the benefits of the Aes Sedai bond - something I’d expressed wanting to know more of earlier.
  • Nynaeve briefly confronts Egwene about leaving the village in pursuit of adventure, in lieu of the other boys being forced into it. Egwene gets cornered and intimidated - she probably hoped she’d never had to face the fact that she pretty much abandoned everything she’d ever known, judging by her harsh reactions to Rand bringing it up. Again, he didn’t approach the topic very smoothly, but I digress. However, this is short-lived. Moiraine rescues her by clearing the room.
  • The room being cleared is almost comedic. Egwene simply leads the way, almost joyful to be out of there. Mat scrapes his chair and apologise to everyone. Everyone is out, but Nynaeve and Moiraine are left alone. There’s an ominous tone as Rand leaves the room. I had to wonder if Moiraine was going to cut the bullshit and threaten Nynaeve.
  • The final section of the chapter is an intimate conversation between Nynaeve and Rand. She is calm and compassionate, which tells me that no, Moiraine didn’t threaten her. This makes it more curious to know what went down between the two of them. Moiraine manages to quell Nynaeve’s temper and even partially sway her into an understanding. Chapter 9 shows us that she knows how to calm an angry crowd.
  • So, moving onto the conversation between Nynaeve and Rand. By now I’ve mentioned Rand’s subtle growth quite a bit. How he is slowly evolving due to his experiences, with his personality taking inflections that are noticeable through his thoughts and actions compared to the start of the novel. It is actually some pretty good character work, in that regard. I’d say a large amount of work start with “porthole POV” syndrome where the early characterization is less consistent as the author gets familiar with their world and establishes the plot. My thoughts are actually validated here, with Nynaeve telling Rand that “you have grown, Rand.” He doesn’t notice it because we’re watching through his POV, but we’re getting a look in through the eyes of Nynaeve, someone who hasn’t seen Rand since he was at that start-of-book baseline. She hasn’t watched him grow over the previous 16 chapters, she jumped from point A to B, so while Rand’s character growth is hidden and a little more subtle due to Rand’s oblivious POV, Nynaeve has it presented to her abruptly. This is not the same Rand al’Thor she knew.
  • Some things I noticed that back this up: He holds his sword to his side with importance, he is more cautious and questioning of authority and he is much more forward and far less timid than he used to be, as we saw when he directly confronted Nynaeve during the meeting.
  • We also hear that Moiraine has taken a special interest in Rand’s birth. Uh-oh. “Oh god oh fuck,” thinks Rand.
  • I have already talked about how we are re-introduced to Nynaeve, and then shown numerous facets of her personality we have not seen yet, all within two scenes in this chapter. But the most significant moment is towards the end, when her intimate conversation with Rand reveals that he is not actually from the two Rivers. According to her, his father is Tam, and his mother was a red-haired outlander. I think this is an important moment. Not only does it update us on Tam’s mysterious dialogue and give us more insight into Rand’s true origins, but it gives a cap on Nynaeve’s development in this chapter. Until now, the perception of her was a hostile and authoritarian figure, yet this chapter has slowly unraveled more compassionate, well-meaning, and protective sides of her personality as well. This chapter is framed around Nynaeve and it builds into that reveal, in a way that it feels like it’s signing off on her more empathetic side. It would have been one thing for the chapter to simply deal with the meeting with Nynaeve, but the reveal at the end kind of justifies why I said this chapter so heavily deals with character.
  • I don’t mean to gloss over Rand by talking about Nynaeve so much. He takes this conversation really hard. I think he kind of knew that Tam was telling the truth, but Tam’s delirious state provided enough cover for him to hide away from it and keep it at arms-length away from having to face it. Nynaeve confirming that he is in fact not from Emond’s Field promptly tears off that cover and confirms Rand’s worst fears. The band-aid is ripped clean off.
  • Okay, before we move on, I think it needs to be said. One of Tam’s “delusions” was that Rand was found on a blood-stained mountain, the son of an invader that Tam fought against in his youth. Tam acquired himself a ginger wifey. So I'm leaning to believe that it’s pure coincidence that Rand happened to grow up with ginger hair as well. I think that it was merely a convenient alibi that Kari is Rand’s mother. Nynaeve is unaware of the invader giving birth on the mountain. But if half of Tam’s ‘delusion’ is true, then… Yeah, Rand was adopted as an orphan. I’m believing that unless it’s proven otherwise.
  • Her conversation with Rand oddly paints a sort of mentor-like role adjunct to Thom and Lan. But unlike them, I don’t think that her role in the story is particularly relegated to that role. I think she will blossom into her own as the story continues. The reason I say this is because she is basically mother hen to the Emond’s Fielders. Fiercely protective, dutiful in her nature to keep them safe and looked after.(To clarify - I’m leaning on Lan having a bigger role as well, but he’s clearly serving that mentor purpose for now.)
  • I’ve complained that certain characters so far have been kind of just bobbing along in incubators, not getting much attention. Perrin and Mat, really. This chapter only really develops the character arcs of Nynaeve and Rand, but every character gets at least a minor moment to shine. Perrin leads the ‘charge against Nynaeve’, Rand has his development showcased as I said already, Mat scrapes his chairs and even shows a little bit of vulnerability, Moiraine is as intimidating and larger-than-life as ever, Lan shows a new side to himself when Nynaeve surprises him, and Thom serves a role by instilling some fear into Nynaeve with his speech about Whitecloaks.
  • Here are all of the characters, ranked by how much I like them and their characterization. At this point.
LAST: PERRIN - Sorry. There is potential there, but right now he is just tagging along and doesn’t get very much time to really standout. Again, I like the base for his character, but he’s sort of just hanging out in the back unnoticed.
7th: LAN - This guy could be awesome. In fact, I’m sure he will be. But right now he is the big gruff guy with the sword. I want to see more aspects of his personality explored.
6th: MAT - This is where I really start to like the characters. Right now he’s just sort of the comic relief sidekick. Funny, daring, a little dumb, a little timid. But with some growth and maturity I could see him becoming really awesome. I just hope he keeps some of that trickster energy!
5th: THOM - He throws knives. He can juggle. He is a storyteller. He has beliefs. He is intelligent and can evaluate situations. He is an old bad-ass with a fun side and an empathetic touch. He’s awesome.
4th: MOIRAINE - Intimidating. Authoritarian. Sometimes compassionate. Yet has human moments, like her joy when Thom performs his tricks. I feel like we’re only seeing her most outward layer right now. She’s essentially on a job and what we see has been dictated by her duty. I would like to see some of those inner layers at some point.
3rd: EGWENE: She is immature, brash, and hot-headed. Yet she’s so damn fun to read about. She’s an example of a very well-written character with glaring flaws. I’m a little less sympathetic than I was during the Chapter 13 analysis, where I sided with her over Rand.
2nd: RAND: Has the POV advantage! For a standard farm boy protagonist he is written as a very realistic human with complex emotions, and it is easy to sympathize with him. I am also a fan of his recent growth.
And that leaves...
So yeah, I think Nynaeve might be my favorite character already. I’ve gone over what I like about her at length in this post. Bring on the pitchforks!
  • My favorite one so far. Character work was sublime. Loved the update about Emond’s Field. Only nitpick is Lan being a wool-head. _____
  • Nynaeve will join the party. There are no other options. She’s ‘part of it now.’ I find myself curious about the dynamic she will bring to the party. I think she will continue to look out for her brethren at all costs, and this may put her at odds with Moiraine and Lan. Chapter 13 was one of my favorites because it showed that there were factions and animosities forming within the party, so it will be very interesting to see how Nynaeve being thrown into the mix will shake things up.
  • As for the blatant oopsie of Moiraine that there was another in the Two Rivers who could channel, (which totally Nynaeve), I think it’ll be interesting to see how Egwene and Nynaeve’s relationship develops. Will they bond over their powers, or will they become rivals? Egwene practically leaped at the chance to become an Aes Sedai, but Nynaeve seems rooted in the values of her village. Will this caus animosity between the two of them? Hell, will Nynaeve even accept her powers when Moiraine posits them to her? I am leaning towards conflict. Nice and juicy conflict. We’re at the very start of the story, and there has already been almost as much set-up for infighting on the side of the light as much as there has been for the Dark One and his agenda.
  • On that note, I predict that Nynaeve’s wisdom powers tie into the One Power somehow. However, it seems as though every Two Rivers village has one, and I doubt they are all ‘One Power-ed up’, so I can’t really extrapolate anything more.
Chapter 17: Watchers and Hunters, or the night is dark and full of terrors. (Ch. 18 of 54, Pages to 242 to 259)
  • Distressed, Rand finds himself listening to Thom perform ‘The Great Hunt of the Horn.’ After an epic performance, the Stag and the Lion find themselves having a dance. With spirits high, the party prepare to sleep as they leave at first light. Unfortunately, Rand has an encounter with a big spooky Myrddraal, which prompts Lan to rouse everyone to leave right now. As they hurriedly leave Baerlon, the party is confronted by Bornhald’s Whitecloaks’ who briefly flight against Moiraine before they all flee intact. The party leaves Baerlon in the dust, only to see that the Stag and Lion is being burned.
  • Rand finds himself shaken up by his emotional conversation with Nynaeve, so he makes his way to the common room to ‘hear people laugh’, and to see Thom perform. This is interesting when you contrast it to the end of Chapter 14, where Rand declines to watch Thom, opting to go to bed instead. I think it’s because beforehand, he had been Dark-One-free for nearly a week, and other than some interpersonal turbulence with Egwene, the winds had calmed. He had relegated the weird moment with Tam to his subconscious. However, the Dark One has been haunting his nightmares, and now Nynaeve has sprung open that box of backstory he had avoided looking at. Suddenly, the reprieve of a Gleeman is a welcome distraction.
  • In the common room, everyone is captivated by Thom’s telling of ‘The Great Hunt of the Horn’, a grand epic that has to be told in fractured sections based around characters because the entire story would take over a week to tell. Huh, it’s like their version of a cinematic universe ;). As I’m reading this, I have to wonder about the last time when this was mentioned. I brought up that I wasn’t sure if the second novel was simply an in-universe play on words, or if this grand tale will have something to do with the plot. We were told previously that the mythical horn would re-animate all of the dead heroes when blown, which is there is a massive hunt for it. It would be cool to see something like this, wouldn’t you say? Each Hunter for the horn is a legend of their own, a larger than life figure, a tale that can captivate an audience. I am probably reading way too far into this, but if there WAS a second hunt for the horn, it would be awesome to see the story from the point of view of the Hunters. They would still be larger than life, but it would be a more ‘human’ version we’d witness rather than a grand and epic one performed by a Gleeman in high chant.
  • Thom’s style - how he captivates the audience with high chant, before performing a heavy ballad (dude can sing!)before lightening the mood with a fun song that sends everyone into a dance. He’s not just an storylifer performing, he’s a crafter of atmosphere and emotion. Takes everyone through the motions. I am starting to realize the significance of Gleemen in this world. They are more than just entertainers, they are windows to the past, and their interpretations and presentations of myths and legends shape public perception of these events. I talked about this a bit when Thom was first introduced, but I didn’t realize the full extent of it. There is likely a lot of mis-information that scholars have to sift through, due to Gleemen adding and changing details for the sake of dramatization, which are passed through generations and slowly changed like a game of telephone.
  • As Rand dances, he notices a scarred man by the fireplace, scowling at him. Now of course, he could just be a regular old bloke who thinks it’s rude to stare, and perhaps Rand is just being paranoid, but it’s an obvious standout in the jovial atmosphere of the tavern. Of course, this gives me major ‘Strider’ vibes from Lord of the Rings. What’s another comparison at this point.
  • Much to Rand’s utter delight, the Dance patterns involve swapping partners in sync with everyone else. Naturally, he ends up with Nynaeve and Moiraine. We already saw a bit of Moiraine’s side when she was delighted and gleeful at some of Thom’s magic tricks, but it’s a tad bit jarring to see her like this because Rand only ever thinks of her as an authoritarian powerhouse. Nynaeve never dances, which shocks him, but considering she’s getting her only night out away from Emond’s Field, she has to let loose of course. Idk, this scene makes me realize that despite Rand seeing these as ‘oppressive’ authority figures, they are still all on the side of the Light, here. Even if motivations are ambiguous.
  • “It was a relief to go to his next partner in the pattern, even if it was Egwene.” Heh, I see what you did there, Robert Jordan-Man. I bet you think you’re so clever. Tensions are high between our lovebirds. Rand is matched with her during the dance, yet they are unable to address one another. Egwene doesn’t know what to do about her hair, so she ties it in a knot to avoid braiding it. I’d like to think that Nynaeve’s presence makes her conflicted, but realistically, I’m leaning on her just trying to avoid conflict where she can.
  • After our dance, our party prepares for bed. Rand and Mat discuss the strange man with Lan. It appears that he is not a Darkfriend, he’s a spy for the whitecloaks. I’m inclined to believe it, but I’m not sure how Lan is able to differentiate. Rand notes that Lan still feels uncomfortable.
  • “There’s something wrong tonight.” LAN FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE. Also, as soon as the dance ends, there is an immediate tonal shift. It’s almost as though one chapter ends and another begins. The tavern darkens and things begin to become uneasy. As though the good guys had too much fun so now darkness strikes back just as hard.
  • I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the TV show will do this as a jumpscare, and hey, it may work after so long without seeing anything particularly evil. Alone, Rand has an encounter with a Fade. It’s pretty awesome because I get to see one up close. It’s pale like a slug under a rock, it’s jet black hair and feature-less face make this incredibly creepy. It… spares Rand, and flees without trouble the minute Lan shows his face. The shadows embrace it as it leaves, which gave an incredible visual in my head, as though it dissipates into darkness the second it leaves into the night. Remember how Lan felt uncomfortable? It must have been Lan’s spidey-sense powers, the one Moiraine told Nynaeve that he possesses.
  • Everyone prepares to GTFO, and the question now is, how did it know that the boys were there? Well, I see Three options: Thom, Nynaeve, or… Padan Fain. I’ve been having fun with the ‘Thom is a Darkfriend theory’, as I highlighted in Chapter 16 and a little earlier. Using the hypothetical thematic evidence I put forward for that, it’s possible he let out a tip. Now, Nynaeve obviously isn’t a Darkfriend, but if she traveled up to Baerlon, it’s possible that the Fade near Emond’s Field figured she was chasing after the party and followed her. Thirdly… Padan Fain. Everything about him is a little weird, but if he were a Darkfriend, it would explain how he survived and why he vanished. Also, Rand told him all of their information back when he encountered him earlier in the day - which was stupid, but I already mentioned that.
  • “You can ride with us or you can ride to Shayol Ghul,” Lan tells Thom. Ouch. The guy is nice and he can throw knives, Lan! Don’t piss him off. Well, Lan was suspicious of Thom the moment he joined the party. I suppose the sudden appearance of the Fade is bringing out his latent fears and suspicious. Maybe that’s what he means when he says that you can ‘ride to Shayol Ghul’, but really I think he’s saying he can fuck off if he wants to in a safe and friendly PG-13 WoT way.
  • Egwene is shown to be truly frightened, for the first time. Rand almost feels satisfied with it, like he is vindicated in their earlier argument. Of course, Rand was completely immature in that argument, and this satisfaction now shows that he hasn’t really come that far on that front. However, he does catch himself and feels guilty, so self-awareness is a good start. As for Egwene, Nynaeve's arrival really is making her have second thoughts, like her rebellious abandonment of Emond’s Field is an itch that has been scratched for too long. But it’s too late now, kiddo.
  • They leave the inn with Nynaeve, as well as my favorite recurring character, Lan’s magical unlimited bribery purse makes another appearance when he convinces the Gatesman to open the gates for them. Every Man Has His Price.
  • And just as Baerlon seems to be behind them… another Baerlon-plot grabs us by the scruff of the neck, demanding to be resolved. Of course, that’s the Children of the Light. A group of five of them strut to the gate, hoping to cause trouble. Bornhald’s got one hell of a superiority complex. He lives a life of privilege and feux-honor, championing himself a champion of light, while he actually represents an evil and corrupt organization. This, mixed with his ego from getting away with terrorizing citizens is why I think he was bold enough to directly challenge Moiraine. The systemic hatred for Aes Sedai was just an added dose of flavor.
  • So, something really cool happens here! Do you know how Moiraine has been extremely patient, yet very threatening at the same time? Like, you know she’s a massive potential threat, but she sticks to patience just because it puts the boys at ease and makes it easier to gain their trust. But that threat is still there, like a bull that has been calmed. So yeah… we finally see an angry Moiraine. As the Whitecloaks are bold enough to threaten her, she drops the act and is furious, and we find her in battle with the five Whitecloaks.
  • I don’t know what I’m reading at this point. Moiraine grows into a giant. Yup. That’s it. No profound insights for you there. No literary analysis. Moiraine turns into a goddamn giant with shiny eyes. Alright. All bets are off. I felt confident we’d be dealing with elemental magic in this story. Mist, fire, lightning. Natural stuff. But no, the AES SEDAI HAVE ANT-MAN POWERS APPARENTLY. I’m not even gonna bother, anymore.
  • Now, giant Moiraine buys enough time for everyone else to flee. As we leave Baerlon behind, I realize that they are on the run from both the Light and the Dark side. I am positive the Children will pursue them.
  • Moiraine returns and refuses to take questions or even acknowledge what happened. She even insinuates that the mind was merely playing tricks. Alright Moiraine, I’m sure that’s all it was. But in all honesty, it does seem possible that she only cast an illusion and didn’t actually increase her physical form. Not really stated. Weird either way.
  • The immediate threat subsides, and an hour out from Baerlon, we see the Stag and Lion aflame. Moiraine refuses to return and help, saying that it would likely cause more harm than good. She also says she will send the gold to rebuild it. I’d like to say I trust her, but I don’t know. I would like to point out something pretty cool I noticed. The first half of the chapter was so vibrant with life, with the gleeman’s tale and the dance party giving the chapter a feeling of happiness and love. Yet, here we are, at the end of the chapter, with the refuge that had provided that moment of peace burning to the ground. I suppose this symbolizes the simple fact that nothing good can last during this time of darkness.
  • Just an hour after joining the party, Nynaeve forces an argument with Moiraine over the Stag and Lion. Moiraine is clearly disinterested in getting involved for now, while Nynaeve demands action. This highlights two things. First, are their differing viewpoints in regards to their priorities. Moiraine sees the big picture and knows restraint - even at short term cost - and will send gold later on, but Nynaeve’s protective nature demands that help be given immediately, doing something, regardless of the consequences. Another thing this highlights is a dynamic that Nynaeve will bring to the party - someone who is absolutely willing to stand up to Moiraine, something nobody has done until now. Of course, Lan gets very agitated when she does this.
  • With the events of the night behind them, they prepare to rest. “I thought we were safe, you know, Rand?”, Mat says. Perrin agrees with this sentiment. The time in Baerlon was a haven, and now they’re back into the Wild West. All that exists now is uncertainty, and fear. I love the imagery of them watching Moiraine against the backdrop of the stars as they fall asleep.
  • Another thing I want to present… No matter her motives, Moiraine opposes the Dark One. Even if they are afraid and under threat of her, they can’t help but see Moiraine as a protector, watching over them. She’s guarding them as they make their way through the world during a dangerous time. Much like how a child sees their parents. But much like the parent of the child, Moiraine is probably terrified as well. She’s more capable, more learned, but she still has to help these children navigate a dark and complex world, and while she is more equipped to deal with dangerous threats, there may come a time when those children have to leave the nest and find their own way.
  • Also, one final thing. It’s not really stated if it was the Dark One’s forces who set the Stag and Lion aflame… or the Whitecloaks. I’m honestly leaning on the latter.
  • Most of my opinions are spread out through my thoughts, but there’s a couple of things I didn’t get to. This was a very exciting chapter, with a lot of cool things happening. I absolutely loved the first half in the inn, with the celebrations led by Thom, and the encounter of the Fade being driven by very powerful and vivid imagery. However, I’m going to be honest - there is a glaring weakness present. That is that after they leave the Stag and Lion, Rand gets ‘Porthole POV’d, and it feels as though we’re getting the story through Rand holding a camera and not through Rand’s mind as he’s experiencing the events. This makes the action, while exciting, lose a lot of potential visceral tension. Compare this to the sequence in Chapter 6, when Rand is pulling Tam through the forest. In that chapter, Rand’s mind is racing. A million thoughts and fears compete for dominance as he struggles through his exhaustion to get Tam into Emond’s Field. In this chapter, some really awesome stuff happens, but we’re told that it happens rather than getting Rand’s racing thoughts on the matter. From the moment we leave Baerlon, to the moment the party sets up camp for the night, we can count Rand’s thoughts and emotions on one hand. Again, fun chapter - my thoughts showed that there was a lot of meat to tear off the bone - but it could have been truly visceral and fantastic. _____
  • Oh gosh, where to go from here. We’re a long way off from Tar Valon, but we have reached the second phase in the journey. Of course, this phase will be wrought with more tension than before, with enemies of the dark and light both on their heels. I imagine this stressful atmosphere will lead to tensions and factions forming inside the party much like it did before they reach Baerlon, only this time with Nynaeve in the mix and things turned up to 11. Now that we’ve seen Moiraine lose her cool once, it’s only a matter of time before we see her do it again
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"The Traitorous Bride" - An Intrigue Encounter at Castle Ravenloft (perfect for Dinner with Strahd)

(Note: This is an update to an earlier post I made, after making a bunch of major changes to the encounter)
(Note: I credit a lot of the material for the bride's backstories to u/JonathanWriting's post here)
Strahd has many minions in Barovia: sycophantic nobles, savage werewolves, and vampiric thralls. But few hold higher esteem in Strahd's eyes than his three brides: Ludmilla, Volenta, and Anastraya. These consorts are among Strahd's most valued possessions and serve as an entertaining distraction between the reincarnations of his one true fixation, Tatyana. However, after a reading from the illustrious Madame Eva, Strahd has discovered that own of his beloved brides is secretly acting as a spy. Strahd wants to know who, and wants his new guests from beyond the mists to find out.
This is an encounter that I designed in anticipation for my players' upcoming visit to Ravenloft, where they will attend a dinner with Strahd and his entourage. There, the vampire lord tasks players with uncovering the identity of a spy among his consorts, testing their abilities of deduction and subtlety as they interact with the colorful denizens of Castle Ravenloft.

What is this Encounter For?

While a tension-wrecked meal across the table from the Dark lord himself already offers a lot of material to play with, I wanted to beef it up it with content that encouraged players to interact with the attendees and explore the castle. In summary, this encounter was designed to contribute the following:
  • A showcase of the Brides, as well as the other denizens of Ravenloft (Escher, Rahadin, etc.)
  • An excuse for players to explore Castle Ravenloft, when they may otherwise be reluctant to
  • A set of short-term objectives for players to pursue during the dinner beyond "talking with Strahd"
  • An intrigue subplot to the campaign, which largely lacks them otherwise
  • An early hook to Baba Lysaga, that frames her as a potential ally (for a great later reveal)
  • A quest from Strahd that players have strong motive to accept
If one or more of the above is of interest to you, read onward. I wrote this encounter up for you!
Note*: Although going forward I will speak about the encounter as if it takes place during "Dinner at Ravenloft", it can utilized as part of any (civil) visit to Ravenloft that occurs during the aforementioned interval.*

The Set Up

On one of Strahd's visits to the esteemed fortune teller Madame Eva, he learns that one of his three brides, his prized possessions, is acting as a spy inside his castle, feeding intimidate information regarding him and his affairs to some unknown party. Here is a bit more background information you should keep in mind, including the true identity of the spy.
  • About Strahd's Consorts
    • Strahd has a habit of picking up beautiful men and woman for entertainment, drawn by their intellect, charisma, and natural beauty. He then turns these poor souls into vampire spawn and keeps them as possessions, bound under his thrall. His three main consorts, or "brides", are Ludmilla, Volenta, and Anastraya.
    • Vampire Spawns are beholden to the vampires that sired them, and will typically follow their orders without question or second thought. It is exceptionally rare for a vampire spawn to rebel against it's master, although it is possible.
    • He has done this centuries upon centuries, and when a consort loses it's appeal, he seals them in the crypts in the depths of Ravenloft, leaving them to starve. This horrible fate has befell dozens upon dozens of men and women.
    • The consorts are not unaware of this, and so they are all desperate to stay in Strahd's good graces, doing whatever they can to be useful or be of interest to the vampire lord.
    • Strahd will not volunteer this information, simply stating that he often bores of his consorts without explaining what he does with them after. Players will have to get this information elsewhere.
  • The Mastermind
    • The "spy" among the brides is Volenta, and the entity she reports to is none other than Baba Lysaga, Strahd's "second mother", who has taken advantage of the bride to keep a watchful eye on her "son" without risking her cover.
    • Lysaga is motivated chiefly by a desire to protect Strahd, and secondly by a desire to preserve her delusion that she is Strahd's mother. The latter demands that she keep her distance, since even she knows deep down that Strahd would never accept her as his mother. This has forced her to get creative with how she keeps surveillance on her "son".
    • For years she made deals with the witches that made their home in the Spires of Ravenloft, but their access to Strahd and his goings-on was limited. However, when Volenta came to the witches to seek out a way to curry Strahd's favor, Lysaga saw a woman who was deeply insecure, desperately in love, and terrified of being discarded, with the mentality of a young teenager. In short, she saw an opportunity.
    • Lysaga approached Volenta and convinced the bride of her good intentions, sympathizing with Volenta's plight and offering to help her navigate her relationship with Strahd and keep his affection. Like an overbearing Mother-in-Law, Lysaga manipulated Volenta in subtle, insidious ways, cultivating her fears about Strahd's disinterest while assuring her that only she knows how to help her win Strahd's heart.
  • The Espionage
    • And so began Volenta's unwitting espionage. Every week, Volenta ascends to the spires of Ravenloft, and speaks with Lysaga through her familiar, which takes the form of a spider (this works fantastically well if you incorporate my version of the Weaver from the Ladies Three).
    • The bride naively shares what she believes is harmless, impersonal information about Strahd's activities with a kindly witch who wants to see their love thrive. Volenta does not see her conversations with Strahd's mother as a betrayal of the vampire lord, and over time began to even see Lysaga as a mother figure.
    • Little did she know that Lysaga is only looking out for Strahd's interests. Over the course of these visits, Lysaga has subtlety subjected Volenta to a Geas and Modify Memory spells, both to condition her behavior to serve as a more effective spy and to minimize the liability to Lysaga's cover. These enchantments protect Volenta from revealing any information about Baba even while under the thrall of Strahd,

Strahd's Proposal

This encounter takes place during one of the players (civil) visits to Castle Ravenloft, and is best utilized after Strahd takes interest in the players but before he considers them too large a threat to let live.
  • Popping the Question
    • Before proffering the group, Strahd will spend some time questioning the players and gauging their talents (as he would regardless). If his brides are present, he will pay careful attention to how they react to new information players reveal.
    • Partway through this conversation, Strahd will request that the players accompany him in the den to enjoy some foreign ale, or some other excuse to get the players into private company. Once they are alone, he will serve them drinks and offer them a deal. He explains that after a reading with Madame Eva, he's learned that one of his brides is a traitorous spy, and he wants the players help in determining who.
    • Note: How Strahd frames this task and the discourse surrounding it will vary depending on how your portray Strahd's character or how players interact with him.
      • He could speak pragmatically like a reasonable businessman, presenting the task as a simple job.
      • He may be tyrannical, demanding the players perform the task under threat of violence against them or their families outside the mists.
      • He may act playful, framing the task as a bet or challenge, and enjoying a bit of verbal sparring.
  • What Strahd Knows
    • He does not know the identity of the spy, whom they might be reporting to, or for what purpose. He has kept close eyes upon his brides since acquiring this knowledge, but has not spotted them acting out of kind.
    • He is not certain who would have the nerve to orchestrate such an operation. He has caught wind of spies in his land before (the Order of the Feather), but this endeavor would be unusually bold of them.
    • He believes whoever is responsible is capable of powerful magic as, despite being vampire spawn under his thrall, Strahd has not yet been able to compel the guilty bride to confess. In addition, he cannot detect any unusual magic on the brides, nor have his attempts to Dispel Magic yielded any results.
    • Strahd can offer simple backgrounds and info on each of his brides, meanwhile providing perspective on his attitudes towards them, as well as their locations:
      • Ludmilla: His oldest bride and a former Vistana who lost her sight upon turning into a vampire. She is smart and beautiful, but dreadfully boring. She continues to find him new, exciting consorts however, which keeps her useful. She is probably researching spellbooks in his Study (K37).
      • Volenta: A quiet but willful creature whose bloodlust impresses even him at times. She was once a bakers daughter, but made the journey to Ravenloft and flung herself at Strahd's feet, putting herself at his mercy and offering to do anything. The thought of it still excites Strahd to this day. She is quite possessive and protective, in a charming yet occasionally offputting way. She spends a lot of time working on a macabre art project with the butler in the Hall of Bones (K61) and admiring the view on the Tower Roof (K57) on the Spires of Ravenloft.
      • Anastraya: The youngest of the vampire spawn, Strahd doesn't know much about her life before Ludmilla brought her to Ravenloft, beyond that she was a noblewoman in Vallaki. She's extremely beautiful but extremely loud and extroverted. He sometimes wishes she would be more quiet like Volenta or more reserved like Ludmilla. She rarely leaves the Dining Hall (K10).
  • Offering a Reward
    • To entice players, Strahd may offer a variety of rewards, depending on how the group negotiates, the details of the campaign, and what Strahd thinks the players will want:
      • The Skull of Argynvost
      • Their pick from a selection of powerful magical artifacts (Animated Armor, Wands, etc.)
      • Information
      • Permission to leave Barovia. He later reveals that this offer only extends to ONE member of the party, and leaves it to them to decide which to sow dissention
    • These rewards are dependent on the players identifying the culprit and, ideally, leaving her alive for him to question. If players kill or cause harm to an "innocent" bride, Strahd will count it against them.
  • Why else should players accept the quest?
    • As with any Strahd-delivered task, it's worth considering why characters who are resolutely opposed to the vampire lord might accept. Luckily there are a few you can use.
    • To Explore Ravenloft
      • Players may recognize this request as an opportunity to scout Ravenloft without fear from Strahd and his minions, and learn valuable intel on the castle and it's inhabitants for use when the group inevitably storms Ravenloft at the end of the campaign.
      • It's also an opportunity to search for important items such as the Tarokka treasures or the Skull of Argynvost.
    • A Potential Ally
      • Groups should quickly realize that any entity or organization who can successfully spy on Strahd is (A) very powerful and (B) a potential ally against the Devil.
      • They may agree to investigate the spy to try and learn about these possible allies, with no intention of informing Strahd even should they discover the spy's identity.
    • To Survive
      • Players may be pressured into accepting this task if they believe that Strahd will kill them if they refuse or fail. This threat can be explicit, but it's far more in-character of Strahd for the threat to be implicit.
      • Players should understand that they are distractions or playthings, like the consorts. And, like the consorts, if Strahd loses interest in them that their days are numbered.

The Investigation

This is the meat of the questline, where players will explore the castle, seek out the brides and other denizens of the castle, and question them. Players are encouraged to be subtle, as they do not want to tip the spy off and put them on their guard.
  • Exploring the Castle
    • While players are performing this investigation for Strahd, he grants them free reign to explore the Castle without fear of being attacked by his minions. However, he gives no guarantee of safety, as he does not have direct control over all the creatures that haunt Castle Ravenloft. Demons, Ghosts, and other monsters neutral (or even hostile) towards Strahd can still pose a threat to the players.
    • He offers Rahadin's services in escorting them to any specific area of the Castle, should they require it. Players should feel conflicted about taking this offer though, since it makes it exceptionally difficult to take any actions against Strahd's interests. If asked to, Rahadin is happy to simply give them the directions to the desired location so that he mustn't waste his own time.
    • You may want to seal doors or give the impression that going off the beaten path is dangerous in Ravenloft; you want to preserve this content somewhat for when players return to the castle at the end of the campaign.
    • At this point in the campaign, you may decide that pathways and doors to the following locations should be sealed, or that their true purpose is obsfucated:
      • K85. Sergei's Tomb
      • K86. Strahd's Tomb
      • K88. Tomb of King Barov and Queen Ravenia
      • K20. The Heart of Sorrow
  • Misbehaving in Ravenloft
    • While Strahd offers players the freedom to explore the castle, they are still guests in his home and he will take notice of their actions if they cause him or his servants harm. He may even inflict punishments upon the players or his own servants for misbehavior, the specific nature of which may depend on the severity of the crime and Strahd's attitude toward the offender.
    • Starting Fights:
      • Instigating fights with any of Strahd's servants (none of which should be directly hostile to the players) will alert Strahd. He arrives at the scene of the conflict in 3 rounds, and will use Wall of Force to break up the conflict and trap both parties before demanding an explanation. Either players or servants may convince Strahd that the other is responsible
      • The punishment he doles out depends on the severity of the combat and his attitude towards the offender. He values most of his minions less than the players, they have no entertainment value. If a lowly vampire spawn strikes out at players against Strahd's will, they will be dragged and sealed in the crypts to slowly starve to death.
      • Otherwise he may use Bestow Curse or Contagion to inflict a nasty curse on the offender; preferably one that inhibits their ability to fight (a curse that prevents one from speaking could cripple a spellcaster).
    • Stealing:
      • Theft from Strahd is a big no-no. He has an entire collection of "thieving hands", severed from the arms of fools who have tried to steal from him. He may even showcase the collection while giving players a tour of the castle as a not-so-subtle warning.
      • However, Strahd only cares about his own possessions being taken. He does not care if players loot the corpse of an adventurer he never got around to disposing of, or if they pilfer the possessions of the dead sealed in his crypts.
      • If Strahd discovers the player has stolen something of minor value, Strahd will use Bestow Curse to inflict them with arthritic pains that give them disadvantage on any sleight of hand checks, or DEX checks involving their fingers. He will then give them a very stiff warning that should they repeat the offense, he will do more than just curse their digits.
      • If Strahd discovers the player has stolen something of moderate value, Strahd will cut off one of their fingers (or have Rahadin do so). No fuss, no muss.
      • If Strahd discovers the player has stolen something of major value, Strahd will cut off one of their hands. He has an entire collection of these "thieving hands" on.
  • Strahd
    • During the investigation, Strahd will keep tabs on the players using whatever spies are available, or by following them in Bat form. However, you may want to downplay his ability to watch over the castle, pointing out the clear disrepair and insubordinate monsters lurking his halls.
    • Otherwise he may pop up from time to time to check up on the players progress, either after a certain measure of time or after they speak with one of the brides.
    • He can always be found either the King's Hall (K27) or another appropriate location.
  • The Brides
    • All three brides will be present at the start of dinner, but after Strahd assigns the player the task of discovering the mole, they will scatter across the castle.
      • Ludmilla will lurk in The Study (K37) in the Rooms of Weeping, studying arcane tomes in quiet isolation
      • Anastraya will always be found in the Dining Hall (K10) on the main floor, tending to a menagerie of ghostly wedding guests
      • Volenta will be found in the Hall of Bones (K67) in the Larders of Ill Omen.
  • Miscellaneous Guests
    • Ravenloft isn't empty of course, and players may run into (or you may choose to put them in contact with) other NPCs as they investigate the brides.
    • Escher
      • The most bitter of Strahd's consorts, Escher may be spotted at the dinner, or perhaps sulkily watching the event from the shadows. If questioned about Strahd's consorts, he will eagerly inform players with all the information in "About Strahd's Consorts" outlined in the setup.
      • He directs the players toward Ludmilla, stating that she, of all the brides, would be the most worried about suffering this fate given her age and Strahd's obvious lack of interest.
    • Rahadin
      • Rahadin can serve as the players escort around the castle, or may instead give them simple directions if the players aren't keen on Strahd's second hand walking with them.
      • He informs them, as he informs all guests, that should they require his services, they need only call his name and he will make himself present in short order. He deeply resents anyone who does this without good reason, though it would take a deeply insightful individual to notice it beneath his stone composure.
      • He refrains from telling the players any sensitive details about the brides or about Strahd, stating "it's not his place to comment on such things" or other polite evasions.
    • Cyrus Belview
      • Cyrus knows most of the same things as the other denizens of Ravenloft, in addition to two useful bits of knowledge.
      • First, that Volenta sometimes takes trips to the spires of Ravenloft, he believes to admire the view.
      • Second, that Anastraya is a gossip and he has heard her spouting off about Strahd's "beloved" to the ghosts that attend her parties more than once before.

Suspect #1: Ludmilla

Ludmilla is Strahd’s oldest bride at nearly 200 years old. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. She is seen as the leader of his harem, and reins the others in when necessary.
  • Personality
    • Ludmilla is a calm, composed individual who handles herself with a regal deportment that belies her humble origins. She dresses in a tattered golden dress and bears a brass tiara with a bright turquoise gem in it's center. Her fingers are covered in garish rings.
    • She is extremely careful in her behavior, knowing she does not interest Strahd any longer. She lets the other brides behave as they please until she believes they will displease her husband, at which point she shuts them down with an iron fist. She is the de facto leader of the harem, the other brides fear and respect her, although Anastraya often makes a point of trying to push her buttons and get her to break her ironclad composure.
    • She seems to have less affection for Strahd than the other brides. While she is deeply loyal to him, she doesn't "love" him and instead recognizes the altered state of her emotions toward the man who sired her.
  • History
    • Ludmilla was a member of the Vistani who developed an infatuation with Strahd over the years. She eventually left her home to seek out Strahd, but instead ran into the dusk elf Rahadin on one of his trips to petition the dark powers. He perceived the beautiful young girl would provide Strahd an exotic distraction, which she did.
    • Strahd taught her as an apprentice of the arcane arts as well as some courtly etiquette, as Ludmilla began to adopt more regal mannerisms and behaviors. Normally he would have discarded her after a time, but she proved intelligent and charismatic which moved him to making her his bride.
    • However, she soon learned that one day her master would inevitably tire of her, unless she could prove herself useful to him. She set about serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting future brides, including Anastrasya.
    • She now carefully stays out of her master’s way unless he needs her direct aid, and she has ingratiated herself to Rahadin who also keeps her in favor with Strahd.
  • Hints and Clues
    • Ludmilla is not guilty, but she has ample motive given Strahd's disregard for her and the fear of being discarded. She is known the spend the least time with Strahd of all the brides, and while still loyal to the Devil she clearly doesn't "love" him. Rahadin or any of the other consorts can tell players this information.
    • Her offputting, aloof demeanor and eagerness to direct the player's investigations elsewhere may come off as very suspicious to the players.
  • Encounter
    • If not at dinner, Ludmilla will be found in the Study (K37). She will be leisurely perusing various Arcane Tomes and reacts to players with mild annoyance at disturbing her "me time". While she is present in the Study, she uses Silent Image to mask the Portrait of Tatyana over the fireplace, either disguising it as a normal wall or placing a portrait of herself in it's place.
    • She will tolerate the players presence, content with the knowledge that they'll be dead soon enough. However, if they begin to ask questions that hint that she may be a spy, she will catch on fairly quickly and attempt to nip the line of questioning in the bud.
    • Ludmilla does not feel she can risk being suspected of spying, given her tentative standing with Strahd, so she will attempt to aid the PCs in uncovering the true culprit. She will attempt to shift the players attention to Anastraya, who she claims is a terrible gossip.

Suspect #2: Anastraya

Anastraya is the most vocal and excitable of the brides and acts as a hostess when the players come to have dinner. She dresses in a flamboyant crimson dress with a high propped collar and moves in graceful, circular motions, as if dancing.
  • Personality
    • She is the most willful of the brides, and enjoys pushing the boundaries of Ludmilla specifically. She views her as the old, tired spinster who Strahd will soon dispose of. She is also deepy suspicious of Ludmilla, who she believes is jealous of her and is also a filthy Vistani (gotta have some casual racism)
    • She has a flamboyant, extroverted personality, and is quite loud and charming. She wants attention from everyone, not just Strahd. She is a born hostess and frequently hosts dinners featuring the captive spirits in Castle Ravenloft, pretending as though they are real guests. She ties a frankly embarrassing amount of her self worth into her ability to plan and host parties.
    • She is the most outwardly erotic of the brides towards strangers, making use of sexuality to make others uncomfortable or more easily manipulable. She will callously tell unfavorable stories about the husband she left back in Vallaki or the many suitors she had while married to him.
    • She is also a terrible gossip, although she tries to limit to telling secrets to only the dead.
  • History
    • She was a noblewoman of Vallaki that hosted parties in honor of Strahd. She was ruthless with any that she thought were traitorous to the Lord of Barovia, even though she had never seen him and knew of his terrible reputation. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty and had no doubt that if she could only meet the count, he would deem her worthy as a bride, not realizing he was truly a vampire.
    • At one of her grand parties, she met a beautiful black skinned woman named Ludmilla, who claimed to be an agent of the count. She informed Anastrasya that the count wanted to dine with her at Castle Ravenloft, an invitation she hastily accepted.
    • Once at the castle, Ludmilla gave Anastrasya a tour, gaining some pleasure in the prospect that the beautiful noblewoman would be terrified by the sights of Castle Ravenloft. Much to her surprise, Anastrasya was enamored with the macabre and evil displays of Strahd’s power. Strahd took to her immediately, and even though it meant his waning interest in Ludmilla faded even faster, he appreciated his elder bride’s foresight to find him such a beautiful new consort.
  • Hints and Clues
    • Anastraya is not guilty of spying, however she has shared sensitive information with the ghostly guests that attend her parties. She assumes there is no harm in this, as they are ghosts and even as ghosts they are beholden to Strahd. Cyrus Belview is aware of this behavior, as are the ghostly guests should players question them.
    • She is a compulsive liar, even to Strahd himself. She will frequently spin tall tales that are easily provably false, but it makes her difficult to trust.
  • Encounter
    • Anastraya will almost always be found in the Dining Hall (K10), preparing to host a dinner or party, even if none is planned. Ghostly guests with filter in and out from the ethereal, filling the chamber with wispy murmurs.
    • She is outwardly open with the party members, but speaks largely in half truths and tall tales, even in the presence of Strahd. She can't help it. She is unlikely to pick up on any subtle probings or attempts to gather information on the player's part.
    • If questioned about the espionage, she will act aghast and begin pointing fingers at all sorts of people: Rahadin, Escher, the Witches. Her suspicions will settle on Ludmilla, however, merely due to her Vistani origins.

Suspect #3: Volenta

Volenta Popofsky is a quiet, sadistic vampire with the appearance of a girl in her late teens, the middle-born of the brides who has been a vampire for 60 years. She dresses in a tattered wedding dress who fabric has been bunched up and tied into knots to disguise the clear tears and stains. She wears a skull mask over her head.
  • Personality
    • Volenta is the most reserved of the three brides, and speaks softly and moves quietly. However, she has a childlike personality that quickly descends into a sadistic bloodlust. She likes to toy with her victims, and doesn't seem to give much thought to consequences. She is also the most physically powerful of the brides.
    • She is deeply fixated on Strahd to an unhealthy degree, even among the brides and other vampire spawn. Despite warnings from Ludmilla, she believes Strahd will love her forever. She cannot believe the news from Rahadin that Ireena in Barovia has caught her husband’s attention
    • On her own time she carves dolls out of wood with her claws, creating misshapen, jagged statues of the Ladies Three, figures from local folk legends that were passed down from generation to generation in her family. She is enamored with any pieces of art that the group has displayed.
  • History
    • Volenta was once a baker's daughter in a small settlement between Vallaki and Krezk. She was born a black sheep, and her family was deeply frightened of her, making her feel alone and isolated. It is then that she began to fixate on the lord of the land, Strahd von Zarovich.
    • The tales of his depravity and cruelty spoke to her soul, making her happy rather than horrified. She ran to Castle Ravenloft and offered herself to Count Strahd to do with as he pleased. He was aware of her murderous behavior and impressed with the depths of her sadism. He made her his bride, and is at times impressed with her vampiric bloodlust which almost rivals his own.
    • However, over the years he began to lose interest in her. She began to become more and more insecure, until she reached out to the witches that lived in Ravenloft's tower if they knew of any way to earn Strahd's favor. Listening in, Baba Lysaga siezed upon the opportunity to gain a mole so close to Strahd.
  • Hints and Clues
    • Volenta is the true culprit, but is ignorant to the gravity of her actions. From her perspective, she was simply sharing innocuous information on her personal life to a woman who wants her and Strahd's love to thrive.
    • She is deeply insecure about her relationship with Strahd, but does a good job of masking it with her characteristic silence. She has confided in Cyrus Belview once before, however.
    • Cyrus Belview or the other bride's can inform players of Volenta's frequent visits to the spires of Ravenloft, where the witches work. The witch's there will not betray Lysaga.
    • Lysaga's spider familiar can be found on the Tower Roof (K57), and watches the player's carefully. Detect Magic will reveal the familiar emanates Conjuration magic, and high Arcana / Divine Sense / etc. can identify the creature as a familiar.
    • She is too naive and (frankly) stupid to recognize that she has been taken advantage of, or that she's been placed under the effect of various enchantments strong enough to undermine Strahd's thrall. Due to Geas, Volenta is not able to reveal any information about Baba Lysaga, by any means
  • Encounter
    • Volenta prefers to spend her time in the Hall of Bones (K61). She is quiet and withholding from the players. At a glance, she seems as though she is shy and reserved, as well as uncomfortable. She makes deeply macabre statements and wonders aloud how the players taste.
    • If players question her about being a spy, she will pause, before resolutely denying the claim. However, she will become noticeably more nervous. A highly perceptive character might have noticed a strange twitch in her face a moment before she answered.
    • As she becomes increasingly aware that she is under a powerful enchantment spell, she will become more and more agitated. She will begin to outright panic if she realizes (or it is pointed out to her) that her behavior makes her seem very suspicious to Strahd.
    • The more the issue is pressed, the more anxious and uncomfortable she will become, until she snaps and lashes out at players and pull them into combat, summoning several swarms of bats to assist her. If Strahd is present, she will feel betrayed that he is not aiding her against the outsiders.
  • If Defeated / Forced to Confess
    • Strahd intervenes when Volenta is at low health, unless players have taken pains to hide their activities from him. He uses his vampiric hold over her to halt her regeneration so that she can be properly interrogated.
    • If backed into a corner, usually through physical force, Volenta will attempt to confess to Strahd, but is unable to communicate effectively while under the effect of the Geas. She will speak vaguely about an old woman in the swamps, a flooded village, a coven of witches.
    • Finally, she will attempt to speak Baba Lysaga's name as a last act of loyalty to Strahd, despite the Geas placed on her that forbids it. She is only able to speak a single word before the 5d10 psychic damage kicks in and she collapses to the earth, dead (optional exploding head).
      • I recommend using the word "Mother". It's an evocative word that is sure to get players wondering. "Baba" achieves a similar effect.
      • You can use the word "Lysaga" as well, although the latter should hold no meaning to Strahd, who wouldn't remember the name of a midwife who was banished from his kingdom while he was a toddler.
    • Soon after, everybody makes a Wisdom Save as Lysaga casts Scrying to survey the situation, to which Strahd reacts with mild annoyance before casting Dispel Magic.


Depending on who the players name as the culprit, a range of outcomes may occur. The more "innocent" brides are killed, the less pleased Strahd will be, which may be reflected in reduced rewards or other ghoulish repercussions. Should Volenta have dropped references to a "flooded village", Strahd will swiftly deduce she is referring to Berez, and may ask players to investigate to find this "Mother" figure to which she referred. Players may want to investigate this powerful spellcaster that successfully planted a spy within Strahd's castle, as a possible ally. I recommend you take a look at my post for a reimagining of Berez that is much less outright deadly and offers another intrigue plotline into the campaign.

And that's it, I hope this was of use to people, or at the very least interesting!
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